

圖片來自:Dino Tomic

今天要跟大家分享一位我覺得很酷的藝術家,他叫Dino Tomic,在他的IG上有像是刺青、寫實畫作、潑水具現、火藥甚至螢光顏料等多種豐富的作品展現,今天阿漆就挑個幾種來跟大家做分享,首先是「猛毒」這幅作品的展現,大家看到他先將湯姆哈迪的畫完成,接著再上螢光顏料,所以當你開燈你就能看到演員的臉,不過當你關起燈用特別的方式欣賞,這時猛毒就會從畫面中浮現,非常的煞氣啊~



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Tom Hardy / Venom ( wait for it ) Im very very skeptically hyped for this movie to come out - i cant wait to see it but i got a feeling its gonna be bad ( and i really hope im wrong because they picked the perfect actor for the role of one of my all time favorite anti heroes ) Enjoyed working on this one so much =D This one like all of my other work is also for sale , if anyone wants to get one of these originals ( and yes i only sell the originals you see here - no prints will be made and no replica will be made ) send me a private message =) the prices are normally from 600 USD + shipping =) This week i will be also going to Trondheim / Norway - and i might have 1 day open for tattooing ( not sure yet ) but if yes and anyone that follows me lives there , here might be your chance to get tattooed by me =)

Dino Tomic(@dinotomic)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 8月 月 21 日 上午 6:58 張貼



接著這個是Rick Genest也就是大家熟悉的殭屍男孩,基本上他的作品好像都會放到網路上販售的樣子,但這個作品在8月完成之後,反而讓他有點猶豫是否要售出,畢竟現在看這幅作品,紀念意義相當大啊





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DeadPool Gunpowder / Glowing Paint art =D Wait for it =D So my plan was to make him disfigured like it should be in the movie - but i really liked how he looked like before disfigurement so i left him all nice and sexy =D ( My plan was to smudge his perfect face out with my fingers after the burning ) When you turn of the lights you see him becoming the iconic role he plays aka deadpool =D Really had a blast doing this piece , i might even draw in a couple of more emojis into it =D This one is also for sale if anyone is interested ( send me a private message its 600usd+ shipping ) Right now im on the way to New York to work on the Summer Vibe tattoo festival , will be doing a live color sand piece in front of everyone =D see you there =D

Dino Tomic(@dinotomic)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 6月 月 26 日 上午 7:34 張貼


除了用螢光顏料這樣的表現方式以外,Dino Tomic也用燒的方式來表現藝術,坦白說這樣的蝙蝠俠作品實在是帥到一個不行啊


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ATTENTION - this is DANGEROUS! I have been doing this gun powder work for some time now and i have figured out a thing or two so far . Firstly SAFETY FIRST - after all im literally painting with explosions and flames. With great power come great responsibilities! My work with fire has been seen several hundred million times now and there is no doubt that a lot of people got inspired to try it because of what i do. I cant tell you how dangerous this could be if you dont use the right gunpowder or the right surface to burn it on or the right location to make it in! The only time something really happend to me was with this batman piece right here - i used black powder for the first and last time here ( the person who sold me that this would work as good as the normal powder i use so i blindly trusted him without doing some research my self - turned out after the burning ( when i have inhaled all the fumes of the burn ) i got so incredibly bad - puking and diarrhea for 3 days straight with little to no sleep. It burned super slow ( thats why i had to speed up the video ) and it also left some black residue that got uplifted in the air while it was burning. It gave nice effect to this image / the dark effect for the batman - but it was all over the room ( the room was completely empty and the only thing in it was this canvas - so a quick round of vacuum cleaning did the job ) . The conclusion be careful and do the research before doing anything that could harm you - consult others and get help if you need it / professional supervision is advised =)

Dino Tomic(@dinotomic)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 8月 月 6 日 上午 7:16 張貼




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Darth Maul gun powder art Further experimenting with this gun powder - this time im trying to merge two different elements - the markers and the gun powder. On the last try i did two face where i did both sides separate - this time i tried to layer them up =) Did the first few layers with markers and finished the last layer with gun powder on top of it all =) Really love how it turned out - the red is really sticking out from the rest of the image - giving it a nice glaze effect =D Thats the caption i wrote the first time i uploaded this video =) Right now im working on secret projects that i cant share and getting ready to travel to Florida and than to New York for 3 weeks =D will not be able to share a lot during this time , but i think some of the work i do there will be made public some time in the future/ in museums =D cant wait =D

Dino Tomic(@dinotomic)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 4月 月 3 日 上午 6:49 張貼





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WATER ART! Pokemon Throwing water at dry concrete to show whats hidden in the sun .Only when the water hits the surface you can see that there is something magical happening. So from salt art to flames art , to glowing art to heat changing art to water art now =D I just needed to test out how outline art works with this medium and it was way easier than trying to make something realistic ( my first attempt ) =D These where done just by two pokestops ( if anyone is still playing that game ) and it might be silly but my town is so small that this is the only place where they have 2 pkoestops at the same time haha - what im trying to say is that this piece is meant for children who play around the area =D ( and naturally i picked some of the first generation water pokemon for that ) =D So many new ideas for this and so little time =D fingers crossed i get many days with sun so i can continue experimenting outside =D =D Thank you very much for sending me your supplies @proudtoberainy so that i can test them out =D #Rainworks ( their web page is : rain.works : if anyone is interested in checking it out =D

Dino Tomic(@dinotomic)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 5月 月 22 日 上午 7:17 張貼


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WATER ART! Disney edition =D Here i took two Disney princesses who have something to do with water and intertwined their story =D Where Moana holds the tridon and Ariel is holding Maius hook =D Im trying to tell a story always with the medium i work with - in this case its water =D and im starting to understand it more and more - and i can say its incredibly hard =D i use a brush to brush it in and the water evaporates after just a few minutes and its literately invisible when its not wet - so its a really challenge to both work fast and hit every line when they disappear =D i also tried filming ( capturing the image/story ) just using one continuous shot - did it work good enough =D ? And since im working out ( by now everyone knows where out in Notodden im working ) im surrounded by people all the time - so no pressure haha ( i got even teachers taking whole classrooms out to see me work ) =D So nice to see such a worm response to the new thing im trying to make here =D I got to talk with the mayor and im starting a giant piece with this method where we can get the whole city involved =D fun times =D Thank you very much for sending me your supplies @proudtoberainy so that i can test them out =D #Rainworks ( their web page is : rain.works : if anyone is interested in checking it out =D

Dino Tomic(@dinotomic)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 5月 月 24 日 上午 6:59 張貼


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Water ART! Wait for it! =D I love the reveal of this video how the water slowly flows showing a piece by piece of this image ( i painted this one on a slightly downhill concrete ) =D Its obviously aqua man ( and Jason Momoa was just a perfect cast for the role ) Since he is aqua man it kinda makes seance that the water is revealing him =D I also tried to challenge my self and tried to push the details on this piece compared to the other ones i have done so far =D I finished this one at 02:00( past midnight) last night because once i start these i cant really stop until its done since it evaporates so fast . It also challenges me to paint a lot faster than normally =D What do you guys think ? =D I also had 50 students with me today where i was explaining how are things done and showed them everything =D Thank you very much for sending me your supplies @proudtoberainy so that i can test them out =D #Rainworks ( their web page is : rain.works : if anyone is interested in checking it out =D

Dino Tomic(@dinotomic)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 6月 月 6 日 上午 7:02 張貼



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