《無敵破壞王2:網路大暴走》初步評價公開 公主部分比預告更讓人驚喜?!
今年年底有哪些電影可以期待啊~我想想,個人正在等的電影有《怪獸與葛林戴華德的罪行》《水行俠》《愛‧滿人間》以及《無敵破壞王2:網路大暴走(Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2)》,尤其《無敵破壞王2》打公主牌真的很讓人心動,光是可以看到公主們擺脫偶像包袱(?)聊天打屁的樣子就夠讓人心動了。最近《無敵破壞王2》影評人的試映評價公開,看來迪士尼動畫今年也是又交出一張漂亮的成績單呢~
Die hard Disney fans are going to LOVE this. So many fun references and Easter eggs from Disney, Pixar, and Marvel. Plus, the Princesses are PERFECT. They have way more than you think and people will be talking about it for a long time.
— Charlie Ridgely (@charlieridgely) 2018年11月3日
Ralph Breaks The Internet is great. Super funny, creative, and charming, with the same kind of character-based emotional core that made the first one so special. It's a really fun follow-up - very happy. pic.twitter.com/pHhRUECU7c
— Eric Eisenberg (@eeisenberg) 2018年11月3日
Just finished screening #RalphBreaksTheInternet
— Rama's Screen (@RamasScreen) 2018年11月3日
The movie made me miss my old college friends whom I don’t hang out with anymore cause they got busy with their own families now, which is understandable but man, connecting thru social media just isn’t the same thing
Spectacular! #RalphBreaksTheInternet was amazing! Our full review coming soon! A must see on November 21. @wreckitralph @DisneyStudios This is what Disney Magic looks like.
— Socalthrills (@socalthrills) 2018年11月3日
「《無敵破壞王2:網路大暴走》感動人心,迷人而且顛覆性地聰明,公主喬段太讚了(當然),還有『A Place Called Slaughter Race』這首歌的畫面真是場精彩的表演」
#RalphBreaksTheInternet is full of heart, sweet charm and subversive smarts. The princess stuff kills (obviously), but the “A Place Called Slaughter Race” song sequence is a spectacular show. pic.twitter.com/OJUqVvvwPz
— Courtney Howard (@Lulamaybelle) 2018年11月3日
The best thing about Ralph Breaks the Internet is it has a huge heart. That, along with some surprising subtexts, elevate what’s already a surprising, funny, exciting movie. It’s a sequel equal to its predecessor. pic.twitter.com/FGiSXWo2Z7
— Germain Lussier (@GermainLussier) 2018年11月3日
RALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET: It has plenty of story issues but plenty of fun moments. I thought it was a lot funnier than the first film.
— Not Sean Mulvihill (@NotSPMulvihill) 2018年11月3日
「《無敵破壞王2:網路大暴走》感覺...比預告還好笑 ?這部電影不是一靠網路工作或經常上網的人看的,但是那也沒關係,只不過不是我的菜。」
Ralph Breaks The Internet was...much much funnier as a trailer? It’s absolutely not a movie for people who work on or use the internet regularly. And that’s okay! But it’s definitely not for me.
— Meg Downey (@rustypolished) 2018年11月3日
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