狗狗舔玻璃的原因,真的有如此認真嗎?養貓沒遇過這種現象~不過阿珂家裡小時候養的土狗也舔過落地窗www狗狗比較愛吃窗戶嗎?(誤)看看以下《寵物與玻璃窗》這些動物用身體力行來驗證看不到的玻璃的存在,總之只有一個〝傻 〞字可以形容ww
圖片來自:The Dodo
Life of Brinx. There's never a dull moment with that dog! And that's why our glass door always has smudges ????????❤️ pic.twitter.com/A4gSPViMcs
— Mari (@mariii_robledo) 2016年6月28日
Saw her reflection in the glass door and thought it was another dog outside ???? pic.twitter.com/q9FpYx4tla
— Jess Burton (@jessb_18) 2016年12月20日
In case you're having a bad day, here is a video of my dog trying to eat through my glass door pic.twitter.com/CL0dsfLIw9
— mominique (@Dominique1697) 2016年10月5日
That time my cat wanted out so badly, he got stuck between the screen & the sliding glass door. #CatsOfTwitter pic.twitter.com/qOJzM9NeLf
— Jordan Gaddis (@digitalredx) 2016年10月26日
Ellie meets glass door and safado (the other dog) pic.twitter.com/712pY7Zutn
— Ricardo Dias (@slash_rick) 2016年8月7日
When you see your reflection in a glass door and panic! He did this at least 5 times. ????????#puppyadventures #goldenretriever pic.twitter.com/AhvXiKnf9e
— Lisa Brown Roberts (@LBrownRoberts) 2016年10月5日
Parents sent me this video of Simon doing his nightly licking & slapping of the sliding glass door. pic.twitter.com/j9WNTCgaUL
— 99 screaming frogs (@kinganduin) 2016年3月18日
部分資料來自網路 ( cheezburger.com )This is Buddy. He ran into a glass door once. Now he's h*ckin skeptical. 13/10 empowering af (vid by Brittany Gaunt) pic.twitter.com/q2BgNIi3OA
— WeRateDogs™ (@dog_rates) 2017年1月7日