一想到現在是2019年就覺得很憂鬱......沒想到距離2020東京奧運的距離比我以為的還要近......最近歐美吹起一股「2009 vs 2019 10年挑戰」,許多網友與明星都在SNS上PO出自己2009與2019的對比照,雖然有些讓人震驚的轉變,不過在我看起來,更多明星根本就是完全凍齡,他們的10年彷彿只是一瞬,根本沒有留下時光的痕跡~
歐美SNS上最新吹起的「2009 vs 2019 」比較風潮
Time sure does fly when you are having fun!! #10YearChallenge pic.twitter.com/gruONFaDDn
— Reese Witherspoon (@RWitherspoon) January 15, 2019
What a difference ten years can make! Although I do still have a lot of ❤️ for my tan lines, hoops and blonde days... #10YearChallenge pic.twitter.com/TVbpNGOBSE
— Jessica Biel (@JessicaBiel) January 14, 2019
▼超模Tyra Banks
▼Eva Longoria
Well, here it goes y’all????????#10YearChallenge #BangBang ???? pic.twitter.com/J82mG7Tfrg
— Eva Longoria Baston (@EvaLongoria) January 15, 2019
▼Trisha Paytas
2009 vs 2019 ???????????? I thought my tan , nails and makeup were IT back then ...no one could tell me different ????????♀️ pic.twitter.com/Zs97Wk9qnm
— Trisha Paytas (@trishapaytas) January 13, 2019
▼Viola Davis
Is it too late for the #10YearChallenge?
— Viola Davis (@violadavis) January 15, 2019
????@jillmanipulator/@johnrussophoto pic.twitter.com/SRvyNdkKJZ
▼導演Kevin Smith
Me, myself & I. #2009vs2019 #wwambassador pic.twitter.com/YGG2X4Nvfz
— KevinSmith (@ThatKevinSmith) January 14, 2019
▼導演Rian Johnson
2009 vs 2019 pic.twitter.com/PLz79mMqYs
— Rian Johnson (@rianjohnson) January 14, 2019
2009 vs. 2019. We would say glow up but Bullseye has always been fab. #10YearChallenge pic.twitter.com/WrLp9phILM
— Target (@Target) January 14, 2019
▼不過也有像是作家Sabaa Tahir的10年光陰對比
2009 vs. 2019. The biggest dreams take time. Sometimes a decade...or more. In 2009, I had already been working on EMBER for 2 years. It was 5 more before I held it in my hands. pic.twitter.com/aHuFgPLiKb
— Sabaa Tahir (@sabaatahir) January 15, 2019
▼或是像 Cassandra Peterson,以扮演的Elvira身分貼出的回顧......很明顯這不是什麼回顧就是了
「2009 vs 2019,回頭看看總是很有意思......或是往下看看?」
#2009vs2019 It’s always fun to look back ... or down. ???? pic.twitter.com/eh86X6iAwA
— Elvira (@TheRealElvira) January 14, 2019
部分資料來自網路 ( buzzfeed.com )