距離《復仇者聯盟:終局之戰》上映已經三個星期了,不過結局到現在依然震撼不少影迷,包括我......也難怪到現在仍然可以高居周末票房冠軍,因為電影後勁很強,對單純的孩子來說,結局可能震撼更大.......一位名叫Mike Bartlett的網友帶他6歲的兒子一起觀賞《復仇者聯盟:終局之戰》,這位從1歲就是鋼鐵人影迷的小男孩,看完《終局之戰》後嚎啕大哭,從電影院一路哭回家,然後繼續哭到睡著......
這位名叫 Mike Bartlett的爸爸,在推特上表示:
My son fell in love with @Iron_Man when he was 1 years old. He’s now 6, just finished watching @Avengers! @RobertDowneyJr my son is distraught! Crying all the way home from the theater! Wanting to sleep with as much Iron man things as possible! Literally crying himself to sleep! pic.twitter.com/IQWBUadyw3
— Mike Bartlett (@MikeBartlett35) 2019年5月5日
I never imagined I’d have to explain why this happened to my son! My son kept crying “I want him to come back!” “I want to see him again!” @RobertDowneyJr @Avengers @Iron_Man
— Mike Bartlett (@MikeBartlett35) 2019年5月5日
oh my god i am crying. i would love to put together a box full of iron man toys and send it to him. please check dm
— Tiffany Ray (@xxxorcist_) 2019年5月6日
aw i completely understand! i've been crying for days now. @marvel look what you've done ????
— ???????????? ⎊ (@thereaIhero) 2019年5月5日
This really make me cry too ???? he just a kid and they make him cry like this hard
— EMTENAN (@emtenan04) 2019年5月5日
「這真讓人心碎,孩子,我懂你的感受❤ 我比你大上很多,但我也從電影院一路哭回家,好幾天後我還是會哭(我24號就看了電影),好友,我給你一個大大的擁抱,你不寂寞」
This is heartbreaking ???? Little boy, I know the feeling ❤️. I'm so much older than you, still I left the theater crying all my way home too and I even cried days after (I watched it April 24th). I'm sending you a big hug, pal ???? you're not alone in this
— ⍟ ???????????????? ⧗ (@miss_LulaMae) 2019年5月5日
*hugs from me to the little one* pic.twitter.com/CtETckWG5l
— Ash Johnson (@OleSeaCrow) 2019年5月6日
@MarvelStudios @Russo_Brothers ..this is a example that how much hurt we are
— SnehaSaleem (@Snehasaleem1) 2019年5月5日
「這就是為什麼我在宣傳這個連署,這部電影傷了這麼多人的心-包括大人跟小孩,我無法理解羅素兄弟在下決定之前難道沒有替他們想想嗎?小勞勃道尼自己也是個父親,我相信他絕對沒有同意這個結局。讓東尼史塔克回來 #拯救東尼史塔克」
That's why I'm trying to make the petition spread. There are so many people, children and adults for whom it's really heartwrenching. I can't understand the @Russo_Brothers didn't think about that before making this decision. I'm sure @RobertDowneyJr didn't agree, he is a father
— Bring back Tony Stark #SaveTonyStark (@Valeriephoebe45) 2019年5月5日
「讓他跟他的家人從此過著幸福快樂的生活怎麼會是一個很糟糕的決定?他完全值得這個結局!這個結局就好像在告訴我們:不需要努力去克服你的弱點,想要休息唯一的辦法就是死亡。你無法理解這結局對某些人來說太超過了!讓東尼史塔克回來 #拯救東尼史塔克」
Letting him live a happy life with his family would be a terrible narrative decision? He deserved it so much! This ending seems to mean that no need to try and overcome your illnesses, the only way to rest is TO DIE!! You can't imagine the awful consequences upon some people!????????
— Bring back Tony Stark #SaveTonyStark (@Valeriephoebe45) 2019年5月5日
why the hell would you take your 6 year old kid to see that movie when it’s even emotionally traumatising for adults?
— ???????????????????? ⎊ saw endgame | elise protection squad (@tarraing_) 2019年5月5日
Mike Bartlett 在推特上為自己辯護
Ppl got pissed cuz I took my 6yo to see @Avengers and see @RobertDowneyJr @Iron_Man die. They said its for 12+. Why does everyone forget about any @Disney or @Pixar movie? I mean the @LionKing2019 100% depicts MURDER! Comment with a worse @Disney / @Pixar death than @Iron_Man
— Mike Bartlett (@MikeBartlett35) 2019年5月9日
Just because a @Disney or @Pixar movies is a cartoon or animated, ppl gloss over the fact of horrific death scenes! @Avengers @Iron_Man @RobertDowneyJr was a very soft and subtle death. My 6yo comprehends and understands loss! He grieved and is over it now!
— Mike Bartlett (@MikeBartlett35) 2019年5月9日
如果你好奇的話,《復仇者聯盟:終局之戰》在台灣歸為保護集(未滿六歲之兒童不得觀賞, 六歲以上十二歲未滿之兒童需父母、師長或成年親友陪伴輔導觀賞)在美國歸為PG-13( 由於影片包含部分家長可能認為不適合13歲以下觀看的內容,因此建議家長需特別注意)。
(到現在我還是有點記恨《How I Met Your Mother》的結局就是了......XD)