

圖片來自: thomasintokyo

還記得過去我們分享過那位從法國到日本的動畫師老爸Thomas Romain嗎?他之所以在網路上爆紅受到這麼多網友喜歡,是因為他過去曾把他兒子畫的塗鴉,重新繪製成不輸動畫電影的精美插圖,就是因為常常畫持續畫,讓網友看到了動畫師老爸的強大,有一段時間沒聊了其實作品還是有在出,今天除了準備一些給大家看以外,還有youtube片片給大家欣賞,對!老爸開設了頻道還親自畫給你看~超神!



圖片來自: thomasintokyo

Thomas Romaine過去曾進入法國傳統藝術學校進修,累積了不少對於藝術設計的技術,後來接觸到了日本動漫深深的被打動,尤其受到鳥山明、木村真二和森本晃司影響很多,後來的他來到日本發展也專精在動畫師這個職業,而有了幸福家庭的他生出來的孩子果然也很有藝術天份,或許現階段還是老爸佔上風,但小朋友的潛力無限大,將來說不定也可以像老爸那樣,幫自己的小孩重繪塗鴉


圖片來自: thomasintokyo






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Father and Sons' Design Workshop No.64 WILD LANDS HARPY Watercolor illustration inspired by an original character designed by my son Itsuki. You'll find making-of videos and news about our art project on my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/thomasromain Please check it out and support us! Our illustration book has been released in English! You can order it here: https://www.amazon.com/Family-Traits-Fantastic-Bestiary-Father/dp/1772940925 Notre livre est aussi dispo en français: https://www.amazon.fr/Traits-Famille-Bestiaire-fantastique-père/dp/2368526471 Book available in Japan as well.「親子デザイン工房」の画集が日本で好評発売中! Subscribe to our YouTube channel : https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC70l0A5od5wZ0qSwc1SreOw Thank you!

Thomas Romain(@thomasintokyo)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2019 年 8月 月 10 日 下午 6:42 張貼


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Father and Sons' Design Workshop No.63 JUNK BLASTER Watercolor illustration inspired by an original character designed by my son Ryunosuke. You'll find making-of videos and news about our art project on my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/thomasromain Please check it out and support us! Our illustration book has been released in English! You can order it here: https://www.amazon.com/Family-Traits-Fantastic-Bestiary-Father/dp/1772940925 Notre livre est aussi dispo en français: https://www.amazon.fr/Traits-Famille-Bestiaire-fantastique-père/dp/2368526471 Book available in Japan as well.「親子デザイン工房」の画集が日本で好評発売中! Subscribe to our YouTube channel : https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC70l0A5od5wZ0qSwc1SreOw Thank you!

Thomas Romain(@thomasintokyo)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2019 年 6月 月 4 日 上午 6:51 張貼


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Father and Sons' Design Workshop No.62 HACKED CAMOSHOOTER Watercolor illustration inspired by the original character designed by my son Itsuki. You'll find making-of videos and news about our art project on my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/thomasromain Please check it out and support us! Our illustration book has been released in English! You can order it here: https://www.amazon.com/Family-Traits-Fantastic-Bestiary-Father/dp/1772940925 Notre livre est aussi dispo en français: https://www.amazon.fr/Traits-Famille-Bestiaire-fantastique-père/dp/2368526471 Book available in Japan as well.「親子デザイン工房」の画集が日本で好評発売中! Subscribe to our YouTube channel : https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC70l0A5od5wZ0qSwc1SreOw Thank you!

Thomas Romain(@thomasintokyo)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2019 年 3月 月 21 日 上午 7:09 張貼


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Father and Sons' Design Workshop No.60 DARK STAR WITCH Original design by my son Itsuki You'll find making-of videos and drawing advice on my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/thomasromain Please check it out and support us! Our illustration book have been released in France. You can order it here: https://www.amazon.fr/Traits-famille-Thomas-Romain/dp/2368526471 Book available in Japan as well.「親子デザイン工房」の画集が日本で好評発売中! English version preorder: https://www.amazon.com/Family-Traits-Fantastic-Bestiary-Father/dp/1772940925 Subscribe to our YouTube channel : https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC70l0A5od5wZ0qSwc1SreOw Thank you!

Thomas Romain(@thomasintokyo)分享的貼文 於 PST 2018 年 12月 月 17 日 上午 4:10 張貼


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Father and Sons' Design Workshop No.59 : ROOT COLOSSUS Original design by my son Ryunosuke You'll find making-of videos and drawing advice on my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/thomasromain Please check it out and support us! Our illustration book have been released in France. You can order it here: https://www.amazon.fr/Traits-famille-Thomas-Romain/dp/2368526471 Book available in Japan as well.「親子デザイン工房」の画集が日本で好評発売中! English version preorder: https://www.amazon.com/Family-Traits-Fantastic-Bestiary-Father/dp/1772940925 Subscribe to our YouTube channel : https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC70l0A5od5wZ0qSwc1SreOw Thank you!

Thomas Romain(@thomasintokyo)分享的貼文 於 PST 2018 年 12月 月 1 日 上午 5:27 張貼









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