

圖片來自: sillvi_illustrations




圖片來自: USA Today

▼ 首先看到的就是可口可樂,有沒有覺得這樣的擬人化很讚,這樣性感又成熟的大姐姐我完全可以啊XDD


▼可口可樂(零卡) 是一位黑肉身穿帥氣西裝的美男子呢


▼Coca Cola Zero Caffeine 不管是擬人化或產品包裝都好好看


▼芬達 橘子口味的形象表現出來就是一個活潑好動的女孩兒


▼雪碧 是不是給你一種冰山美人卻不會不好親近的感覺呢



在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

If Sodas Were Characters Series # 8 Monster ——————————— What do you think she’s like? Who should I do next? Comment below to let me know. ——————————— Hey, guys. I have few announcements to make. First, Quite a lot of you guys have been asking for a webtoon series based on “If Sodas Were Character” series. I am happy to announce that I’m in the initial stage of production. The project has been temporarily named “Soda Campus”, and it will be available on Youtube as (to what I can best describe) a dubbed storyboard. Unfortunately, I do not have the resources or the time to consistently release episodes in my current situation. Please help me take on this project full-time by becoming my Patreon. Any amount will help to make sure that everyone involved in the production of this project is properly paid. Link to my Patreon is in the bio. Please subscribe to my Youtube channel for future releases. You can find me by searching “Sillvi” on Youtube. Second, I need a name for my fan base! Do you guys have any suggestions? Third, I’ve received multiple questions on whether one can cosplay as my characters. The answer is, of course you can! Just give me a mention as the original artist so I can find them and give them hearts. Lastly, Thank you so much for all your supports! We’ve gotten 20k followers in the past week. You guys don’t know how much your support means to an artist.

SILLVI(@sillvi_illustrations)分享的貼文 於 PST 2019 年 2月 月 22 日 上午 5:32 張貼


▼雪碧蔓越莓 比起擬人化的人設,阿漆更好奇這個口味喝起來揪竟是什麼感覺







在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

I'm having an issue with Instagram where I am unable to post photos on their platform. Videos seem to be allowed so I've edited my latest few illustrations for this post. I'm very displeased with the instability of this platform, and I am concerned about the legitimate possibility of my page being terminated. Please follow me on my other social medias youtube and twitter: sillvi studios & sillvi_studios so that I do not lose you guys when the day comes. If Beverages Were Characters Series # 12 Gatorade Cool Blue Welcome to the gang! ——————————— Help me make this into a webtoon series by supporting me on patreon. (Link in the bio) ——————————— This post is supported by very special patreons: Little Crow D. Greencrow, zero, Michael Tersigni, Oliver Dace, Ricardo Corrales, Jenny Martinez, Alyssa Dyer, and Bill Clark.

SILLVI(@sillvi_illustrations)分享的貼文 於 PST 2019 年 3月 月 5 日 上午 1:38 張貼


▼百事可樂 一樣也是一位感覺美美的姐姐呢




部分資料來自網路 ( sillvi_illustrations )


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