芬蘭《健美白面僧面猴》爆紅 可以跟兄貴袋鼠組團了
大億然真的很其妙......芬蘭的動物園出了個明星。一般說到猴子,大家第一個會想到的應該是四隻與長相都與人類比較接近的靈長類動物,不過芬蘭這隻猴子~不但是一般比較少見的「白面僧面猴(White-faced saki)」,而且還是擁有超壯身型但五官迷你,看起來像是健美先生的兄貴猴,照片一出許多網友都轉發朝聖。
芬蘭赫爾辛基的動物園Korkeasaari Zoo,出了隻明星猴子Bea
這張照片由芬蘭攝影師Santeri Oksanen拍攝,他表示看到猴子時「簡直不敢相信自己的眼睛,怎麼會有肌肉這麼大的猴子,她看起來比其他的猴子都大,簡直像在健美比賽一樣」照片很快就像其他無厘頭的流行一樣,在網路上開始被瘋轉,芬蘭赫爾辛基動物園趕緊跳出來舉手:這這這這是我們家的猴子Bea,女生!
Our keepers recognized her, it's Bea. Looks like she's in a bad mood and does a good job making herself look bigger. Not by muscles but by it's fur. Impressive, something we humans can't do.
— Helsinki Zoo (@Korkeasaari) March 17, 2019
buff monkey (chanting) BUFF MONKEY pic.twitter.com/14oPmiNXY6
— pinar (@pienar) March 15, 2019
Welcome to Finland, we have the most freakish monkeys in our zoo, I guess https://t.co/PkYaVtLNHI
— Maisie-whimsie (@RhododendronWil) March 15, 2019
They have monkeys in Finland? https://t.co/oKDBWLauDy
— Paul Owen (@pg_owen) March 15, 2019
i think the ripped monkey should fight the buff kangaroo. It gives me no pleasure to report this.
— Grant Brisbee (@GrantBrisbee) March 15, 2019
could u imagine living thousands of years ago and like not having any concept of what a monkey is then encountering a buff ass monkey .... man nature is crazy
— ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ (@fordgrandorder) March 16, 2019
going to the gym again so I can look like this specifically https://t.co/xgbKOrbdnu
— SHU (@shuseph) March 17, 2019
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