為了吸引觀眾進電影院,片商與電影院業者都必須想辦法推出讓觀眾看大螢幕的觀影經驗勝過小螢幕的作品,好讓觀眾願意掏出票錢,而其中一個策略,就是強調大螢幕的聲光效果。尤其像是觀賞我們俗稱「爽片」的電影,電影裡的碰撞與爆炸聲常常驚人到甚至連椅子都在震動。但真的所有的觀眾都喜歡這樣的效果嗎?最近英國資深演員休葛蘭在推特上抱怨: 「是我老了,還是電影院的聲音真的太吵了?」
Am I old or is the cinema MUCH TOO LOUD? Unendurable. Pointless. @vuecinemas
— Hugh Grant (@HackedOffHugh) 2019年10月5日
I'm so sorry for any disappointment felt with the volume levels in our venues Hugh, please be assured we do regularly check these to ensure they comply to health and safety standards. I'll ensure your feedback is passed on to the relevant teams. Have a great day! - Rachel
— Vue Cinemas Help (@VueHelp) 2019年10月6日
I’ve sometimes wondered whether anyone has ever sued them for hearing loss because the sound is too loud.
— Gail (@GailGailGailABC) 2019年10月5日
I certainly would never take a child / children and risk their hearing. It’s a shame because a trip to the cinema used to be a treat.
I take noise reducing headphones on the rare occasion that I take a child to the movies. It's horrible.
— Caroline Small (@caro_vina) 2019年10月14日
So good to see you mentioning this Hugh, and the subsequent piece in @guardian today. It appears that cinema sound levels are far too loud for a lot of people and can cause many issues. Thanks for raising awareness. #SafeAroundSound
— Emily Broomhead (@EBroomhead) 2019年10月13日
Maybe they turn it up so loud because everybody nowadays talks right through the movie as if they're at home.
— ????Woozle&Taffy???? (@Woozle_Taffy) 2019年10月5日
I never go anymore.
Far too loud. I don't go any more.
— GillyHx ????????????????????????????️ #BorisOut (@GillyHx3) 2019年10月5日
Cinemas are way too loud for me nowadays
— Chairman Mardikins ???????? (@IAmMardikins) 2019年10月6日
It is too loud. That’s why I have stopped going.
— Brian Curtis (@urties) 2019年10月5日
They make it loud to mask the sound of people chomping on popcorn or rustling sweetie papers! These are of course vital because the cinema make huge profits from them because of the monopoly they are allowed to operate in cinemas!
— ????️ Caroline Bell Esq. (@CazzieJTweet) 2019年10月5日
God I'm cynical!! And right!
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