才43歲《黑豹》查維克博斯曼不敵病魔過世 影響力永存這個世界
2021年的奧斯卡頒獎典禮已經定在4月25日舉行。而昨天我們知道......這一屆的奧斯卡頒獎典禮上,當開始弔唁過去一年這世界失去的電影人時,我們會看到「黑豹」演員Chadwick Boseman 的身影,他在美國時間星期五,經過與大腸癌的四年艱苦戰鬥後不敵病魔過世,享年僅僅43歲。一位如此優秀的演員英年早逝,讓今年本來就黯淡的世界更顯悲傷。
Chadwick Boseman個人社群平台,發表了這位廣受喜歡的演員與世長辭的消息
— Chadwick Boseman (@chadwickboseman) August 29, 2020
儘管因為漫威系列電影中扮演超級英雄「黑豹」 T’Challa而廣為全球觀眾所知,但在那之前的Chadwick Boseman就已經以《傳奇42號》打響名號,飾演第一位在美國職棒大聯盟(MLB)出賽的黑人球員傑基·羅賓森,他在片中從未對種族主義者低頭,不屈不撓的姿態,透過螢幕傳達給所有觀賞電影的影迷。巧合的是,他也是在大聯盟2020年紀念傑基·羅賓森這一天過世。
美國大聯盟也發文弔唁Chadwick Boseman
「失去Chadwick Boseman讓我們極為悲傷,他在《傳奇42號》中的超凡表現經得起時間考驗,將傑基羅賓森的故事傳達給未來的世代」
We are devastated by the tragic loss of Chadwick Boseman. His transcendent performance in “42” will stand the test of time and serve as a powerful vehicle to tell Jackie’s story to audiences for generations to come. pic.twitter.com/8oU7QpdLSE
— MLB (@MLB) August 29, 2020
「我們心碎了,我們的心與Chadwick Boseman的家人同在,你的功績會永遠流傳下去,安息吧」
Our hearts are broken and our thoughts are with Chadwick Boseman’s family. Your legacy will live on forever. Rest In Peace. pic.twitter.com/DyibBLoBxz
— Marvel Studios (@MarvelStudios) August 29, 2020
「失去Chadwick Boseman-一位我所遇見過最才華洋溢最溫柔最樂意付出的人-讓我們所有人心碎。他為等待已久的《黑豹》演出注入強大的力量,尊嚴與深度,也激勵我們更勇敢去做夢,更勇敢去打破現狀。」
becoming a long-awaited hero to millions around the world, and inspiring us all to dream bigger and demand more than the status quo. We mourn all that he was, as well as everything he was destined to become.
— Robert Iger (@RobertIger) August 29, 2020
For his friends and millions of fans, his absence from the screen is only eclipsed by his absence from our lives. All of us at Disney send our prayers and heartfelt condolences to his family.
— Robert Iger (@RobertIger) August 29, 2020
▼Chris Evans
「這太讓人難過了,Chadwick Boseman獨一無二,他是個認真且永遠保持好奇心的演員,還有這麼多好作品等著他發揮。我對我們的友情充滿了感恩,安息吧國王」
I’m absolutely devastated. This is beyond heartbreaking.
— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) August 29, 2020
Chadwick was special. A true original. He was a deeply committed and constantly curious artist. He had so much amazing work still left to create. I’m endlessly grateful for our friendship. Rest in power, King???? pic.twitter.com/oBERXlw66Z
▼Mark Ruffalo
「我想說的只有,Chadwick Boseman的過世讓今年的悲劇更加深切,多麼好的一個人,擁有多麼出色的才華。兄弟,你是影史中最傑出的其中之一,而那只是個開端。愛你,國王,安息吧。」
All I have to say is the tragedies amassing this year have only been made more profound by the loss of #ChadwickBoseman. What a man, and what an immense talent. Brother, you were one of the all time greats and your greatness was only beginning. Lord love ya. Rest in power, King.
— Mark Ruffalo (@MarkRuffalo) August 29, 2020
▼Forest Whitaker
Your light brightened our days. It will continue to brighten our hearts and minds. Let the heavens be blessed as you illuminate the sky. Sending my love and prayers to the family. May god continue to hold you in his everlasting embrace. RIP Chadwick pic.twitter.com/wIUaooHLqq
— Forest Whitaker (@ForestWhitaker) August 29, 2020
「Chadwick Boseman是如此優雅正直並且充滿才華的人,他激勵了一整個世代的人站起來做自己的王,想要紀念他,就學習他的善良與去愛別人。發揮你的影響力,成為黑暗中的一束光。」
Chadwick was such an elegant man with great integrity and tremendous talent. He inspired an entire generation to stand up and be king. Honor him by emulating him-show kindness and love to others. Share your talents in ways that impact. Always strive to be a light in the darkness. pic.twitter.com/8XRpRejnf7
— Russo Brothers (@Russo_Brothers) August 29, 2020
Chadwick Boseman的最後一部電影,將會是網飛的 《Ma Rainey's Black Bottom》不過在Boseman過世的消息後,網飛已經暫停電影的宣傳工作,電影仍預訂於今年底在網飛獨家上線。
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