真人版《小美人魚》即將上映 電影首映後評價如何?
經歷了漫長的質疑,不論粉絲喜不喜歡,總之迪士尼真人版《小美人魚》終於要在下週上映了~最近迪士尼也公開真人版《小美人魚》女主角海莉貝利(Halle Bailey)演唱電影中著名歌曲的影片,來聽聽她的表現如何的同時,也來看看在真人版《小美人魚》首映會後,影評們給這部電影的評價如何?
原汁原味的內容在這裡海莉貝利在迪士尼樂園演唱真人版《小美人魚》主題曲《Part of Your World》
「迪士尼的真人版電影充滿感情、魔力十足又迷人,導演Rob Marshall 拍出了迪士尼迄今最棒的真人版電影,Lin-Manuel Miranda 和 Alan Menken的音樂優美出色,海莉貝利的表現非常優秀!瑪莉莎·麥卡錫(Melissa McCarthy)的烏蘇拉太帥了」
Disney’s live-action is magical, emotional and enchanting. Rob Marshall just directed Disney’s best ever live action film. Lin-Manuel Miranda and Alan Menken’s beautiful music shines. Halle Bailey is absolutely extraordinary! and Melissa McCarthy is a bad-ass Ursula. pic.twitter.com/4ZlpsF8m0D
— Jazz Tangcay (@jazzt) May 9, 2023
「電影很可愛可是水準參差不齊,《小美人魚》沒能傳達迪士尼動畫電影的魔力,不過導演Rob Marshall在電影中展現了他的創意,海莉貝利和瑪莉莎·麥卡錫表現出色,Daveed Diggs(賽巴斯汀配音員)和Awkwafina(小比目魚配音員)很搞笑 」
Endearing but uneven, #TheLittleMermaid doesn’t deliver the magic of the animated classic but there are plenty of creative touches from Rob Marshall to float the audience’s boats. Halle Bailey and Melissa McCarthy are great. Daveed Diggs and Awkwafina provide solid comic relief. pic.twitter.com/kt1pVURZiL
— Simon Thompson (@ShowbizSimon) May 9, 2023
#TheLittleMermaid is filled with a few great performances from Halle Bailey and Melissa McCarthy, but it's a mostly paint-by-numbers remake that's isn't as good as the animated masterpiece. pic.twitter.com/YY4ielYXiR
— Kirsten (@KirstenAcuna) May 9, 2023
It’s real simple. Are you excited for #TheLittleMermaid? You’ll like it. It’s exactly what you think it is. Are you skeptical and worried about it? That’s valid too. It looks weird and disjointed. Bailey is great, McCarthy rules, the songs work but it just feels so unnecessary. pic.twitter.com/n4qp7MsVFH
— Germain Lussier (@GermainLussier) May 9, 2023
「海底的視覺效果有點粗糙,不過《小美人魚》還是傳達了一部分原本經典故事的魔力。Daveed Diggs和瑪莉莎·麥卡錫是電影中的亮點,海莉貝利的歌聲和魅力令人驚艷」
It may look visually rough under the sea, but THE LITTLE MERMAID eventually recreates some of the original’s magic through its timeless story & cast. Daveed Diggs & Melissa McCarthy are highlights but Halle Bailey is the one astonishes with her gorgeous singing & empathetic charm pic.twitter.com/DhmmtOLaLJ
— Matt Neglia @Cannes (@NextBestPicture) May 9, 2023
「迪士尼的《小美人魚》絕對是比較好看的真人版電影之一。海莉貝利傾注了感情給愛莉兒,她的表現讓我起了雞皮疙瘩,瑪莉莎·麥卡錫演出的烏蘇拉和Daveed Diggs的賽巴斯汀從頭搶鏡到尾。」
Disney’s #TheLittleMermaid is definitely one of the better live-action adaptions. Halle Bailey pours incredible emotion into Ariel and I got chills watching her, while Melissa McCarthy’s Ursula and Daveed Diggs’ Sebastian steal scenes all day. pic.twitter.com/DHhIkbIj8s
— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) May 9, 2023
It brings me no joy to report that The Little Mermaid is very mediocre. While the music is still great (minus two of the new songs) this live action version lacks Disney magic. The performances are fine with Melissa McCarthy being the standout. The iconic sea characters like… pic.twitter.com/T4y00uKn2d
— Scott Menzel (@ScottDMenzel) May 9, 2023
#TheLittleMermaid is a live-action remake that retains the heart and soul of the story we know and love, and it’s elevated even further by a note-perfect star-making performance from Halle Bailey - she was born to be on the big screen, & she’s why this new take is worth watching. pic.twitter.com/Tcewp2L4MY
— Zoë Rose Bryant (@ZoeRoseBryant) May 9, 2023
「真人版《小美人魚》是給所有做著大大夢想的小女孩的禮讚。海莉貝利充滿魅力,Daveed Diggs的賽巴斯汀非常歡樂」
#TheLittleMermaid is a tribute to all little girls to dream big. Halle Bailey is sheer magic and Daveed Diggs a delight as Sebastian. pic.twitter.com/kLD2y62dIF
— Kathia Woods (@kathia_woods) May 9, 2023
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