粉絲在推特上連喊《我想跟巨石強森見面》101天 結果是...
如果你非常喜歡一個明星,你會怎麼引起他的注意呢?美國一位大學生Jordan Baker是巨石強森的影迷,為了引起偶像的注意好跟他來一次「約會( hang out,並不是約會不過...XD)」,他連續一百天在推特上深情呼喚巨石強森外加用各種照片圖片引起他的注意力。猜猜100天過去後,他的心願達成了嗎?
美國大學生Jordan Baker,4月16日起在推特上宣布:
i decided that im going to tweet at @TheRock everyday until he invites me to come hang out with him. this is day 1.
— jordan. (@sjordanbaker) 2018年4月16日
day 2: this could be us @TheRock. let me know when you want to hang & im there! pic.twitter.com/ThsRGqP3Iv
— jordan. (@sjordanbaker) 2018年4月17日
day 6: sup @TheRock. when we hang out, let’s get sushi. just let me know when you’re free, i’ll drive pic.twitter.com/l32HWzeA8G
— jordan. (@sjordanbaker) 2018年4月22日
day 12: hey @TheRock i’ll introduce you to my friends when we hang out. i really think you’d like them pic.twitter.com/Hqe2N1eIbk
— jordan. (@sjordanbaker) 2018年4月27日
day 16: hey @TheRock it’s me again. i was thinking when we hang you can meet my gf. she’s pretty awesome & a fan too. you can third wheel !!!!!! pic.twitter.com/DILb9JQcur
— jordan. (@sjordanbaker) 2018年5月1日
day 32: the flowers here in new zealand are beautiful @TheRock. i wish we could smell them together... pic.twitter.com/VtfM8mqDGU
— jordan. (@sjordanbaker) 2018年5月18日
day 49: day 49 feels ???? @TheRock pic.twitter.com/rmyIb1OuCe
— jordan. (@sjordanbaker) 2018年6月4日
day 77: how im currently feeling. pray for me @TheRock pic.twitter.com/rjKpPZuaxQ
— jordan. (@sjordanbaker) 2018年7月1日
day 79: all. the. time. @TheRock pic.twitter.com/h5dKSr9YFZ
— jordan. (@sjordanbaker) 2018年7月4日
day 96: you know @TheRock, you’re gonna need a vice president... let’s get together & talk policy ????#RockBaker2020 pic.twitter.com/tq5p9oIWI9
— jordan. (@sjordanbaker) 2018年7月21日
day 100: WOW. what a journey. im working on a short ROCKumentary detailing what ive been going through. here’s just a sneak peak, maybe you can make the final cut let’s hang @TheRock pic.twitter.com/tVZ6kqB7sS
— jordan. (@sjordanbaker) 2018年7月25日
???????????? just seeing this dude! Well you’re still in college so you have time to “hang out”.. those days waved bye bye to me long ago. But how our this.. the next time I drink my tequila (tonight) I’ll raise a glass and toast to “my pretend hang out buddy Jordan” ???????????????????? https://t.co/etkMnR2zON
— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) 2018年7月26日
day 102: when @TheRock replies to you but doesn’t have time to hang out. PLEASE help us get together! @TheEllenShow ???????? pic.twitter.com/kAEBU8KCDM
— jordan. (@sjordanbaker) 2018年7月26日
day 107: grateful for my bro @KevinHart4real helping me out ????let’s make it happen @TheRock! pic.twitter.com/j8A2YyyvJM
— jordan. (@sjordanbaker) 2018年8月1日
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