呃......雖然我碰過不少認真的、善良的(?)、德高望重的教授,但說真的也是看過莫名其妙、孤僻、動不動就發脾氣的人。美國德克薩斯大學聖安東尼奧分校(University of Texas at San Antonio)日前一堂課上就發生了聽起來很荒謬的事情,一名教授因為學生把腳翹到椅子上而報警,來到現場的警察在教授的要求下陪著學生離開講堂。這件事情與學生錄下的影片在網路上被公開以後引發討論。
在德州大學的一堂生物課上,一位黑人女性學生似乎因為把腳翹到椅子上,惹得教授大發雷霆,他指責了這堂課的水準低落之後,叫警察進來將翹腳的學生帶出教室,而這個過程都被另一名學生Apurva Rawal錄了下來PO在推特上
So this happened today in class, a girl had her feet up and the professor called the police after calling our class uncivil ???? pic.twitter.com/spq0ShXiFU
— Apurva Rawal (@ApurvaYRawal) 2018年11月12日
Apurva Rawal接著在之後的推特更詳細解釋事發過程
This professor stopped class entirely and stepped out to call the police just because one student had her feet up on a seat in front of her. Mind you she wasn't talking or interrupting lecture
— Apurva Rawal (@ApurvaYRawal) 2018年11月12日
The class before this professor went on a whole tirade about how uncivil we all were because a few students were on their phone or not paying attention, cutting lecture time for the rest of us because her ego was bruised
— Apurva Rawal (@ApurvaYRawal) 2018年11月12日
As upset as I am that my professor decided to throw a temper tantrum the lecture before an exam and cancel class, I'm even more outraged that she would decide to single out and humiliate a student just to flex her authority in a destructive manner
— Apurva Rawal (@ApurvaYRawal) 2018年11月12日
I chose to attend this university because of it's welcoming and inclusive atmosphere, and today's events genuinely make me concerned for not only my fellow students, but any future roadrunners that may choose to attend this institution in the future
— Apurva Rawal (@ApurvaYRawal) 2018年11月12日
@UTSA you need to answer for this, because I know we as a university are better than this
— Apurva Rawal (@ApurvaYRawal) 2018年11月12日
「我是Anita Moss生物學上的那個學生,我被告知說我要部主動離開要不會被校警護送出去,我並沒有違反任何學生準則,我當下有做筆錄,影片只是開始的時候,謝謝你們大家的支持」
This is me in Anita Moss’ 2053 Bio classroom. Upon entering class I was told I needed to leave or would be escorted out by officers, I never disobeyed the student code of conduct. Not once. A police report is being filed atm, this is just the beginning. Thanks for your support! https://t.co/YUZGmwgFa7
— pistachio ???????? (@FavoritePaigeee) 2018年11月12日
I'd like to say that Dr. Moss is and has been a great professor for my own classes. I'd never seen her react in any way that was inappropriate and I'd advise others to suspend judgement on (either) side without knowing the full story.
— Ernesto Salcedo (@miniernie42) 2018年11月12日
the prof wasn’t asking her to do something illegal or scandalous or mischievous, she wasn’t asking the student to bend over backwards and do something absurd. it seems like she was asking for respect in her lecture hall and idk why it was so hard to just give it to avoid this
— Bex ???? (@goodnightbex) 2018年11月12日
— UTSA (@UTSA) 2018年11月13日部分資料來自網路 ( indy100.comnews4sanantonio.com )