講到迴旋踢就讓我想到《花木蘭》,講到花木蘭就讓我想到《男子漢》這首歌,害我現在滿腦子「(男子漢~)行動快速像那江河湍急(男子漢~)破壞力像那風暴無情(男子漢~)滿腔熱血像那野火壓境」歌詞w 生活時而甜時而苦,像星期一要上班就很厭世(欸),不過也不會無時無刻都是苦的、酸的,總會有些瞬間讓你覺得「真棒」!推特上有個話題就在問「讓你會心一笑的瞬間」是什麼,底下回答都不同,唯一相同的就是看到後會不自覺跟著甜笑的感染力♥
Twitter, tell me something random about a person you love that makes you smile every time you think of it.
— Rachel Griffin (@TimesNewRachel) 2018年12月5日
Mine is that whenever my husband sees a dragonfly, he watches in amazement and says in a tone of respect, "they're such accomplished fliers."
Rachel Griffin(@TimesNewRachel)的推文讓路過網友紛紛停下來在底下回應自己經歷過的會心一笑瞬間,有時候來自家人、有時候來自朋友、有時候來自另一半,又或者來自可愛的寵物。
The humans in my life are pretty great but nothing tops the look my black cat gives me when he wants to play fetch. pic.twitter.com/vEVAG1LnEa
— Belvedia (@belvedia) 2018年12月6日
For a long time, I didn’t understand why our microwave was always stopped two seconds before the end. Then I learned that my husband didn’t want his heating up his breakfast to wake me up so he’d stop it just before it dinged.
— Amelia Brunskill (@ameliab) 2018年12月5日
He’s a keeper.
— Lindsay Landgraf Hess (@LindsayLHess) 2018年12月5日
Maybe the time my mom got kicked out of a grocery store for crouching behind the lobster tank and squealing, "No, no, not me! Don't take me!"
The second my nephew met his little sister, still in the hospital, he asked if he could take her to kindergarten to show her off. ❤ https://t.co/JMZLQznW8q
— Carolina ???????????? (@wutheringreads) 2018年12月7日
My 14yo son spontaneously tells those he loves that he loves them. Daily. His older sister...me...his dad...
— C.H. Armstrong (Cathie) (@C_H_Armstrong) 2018年12月6日
I can text a random movie quote at my daughter, and she'll immediately follow up with the next line of the movie. We have entire conversations this way. lol https://t.co/COVSWRE4BP
— Rhonda Merwarth / Delilah Gray (@RhondaMerwarth) 2018年12月6日
Whenever my husband is doing something mischievous, he whistles. It's a special mischief whistle, and he doesn't realize he's doing it. He never gets away with anything! ????????????
— Amy Knepper (@playknice) 2018年12月5日
我老公:每當發生有趣的事時會發出很驚喜的笑聲 我的狗:當我帶牠去公園散步時會回頭看我有沒有在牠身後,看到我在就會興高彩烈的奔上我
My husband: Whenever he thinks something is truly funny, his laugh is so surprised and full and perfect <3
— Tara Tsai (@TaraTsaiWrites) 2018年12月5日
My dog: Whenever we're at the dog park and he turns around to check if I'm still there and when I am he gets SO HAPPY and bounds toward me for some pets XD
When giving the dogs a bath my husband keeps up the most inane one-sided conversation with them.
— Melinda (@MelindaEdits) 2018年12月7日
‘Now Daisy, it’s your turn for shampoo, who looks so pretty with that soap beard - it’s YOU. Scarlett, your turn, tell me how your day was? What did those bitch cats do?’
My dad called me from the top of the Eiffel Tower when he and my mom went to Paris. He said it was so I could be there with them. I smile every time I see a photo of the Tower now because of that moment.
— Seege (@SeegeVega) 2018年12月6日
Each time my daughter sees a dog being walked by its owner, she stops and says “aww, that dog looks so happy”. She’s so delighted by their joy. She’s 16.
— Anna Passmore (@Anna_Passm82) 2018年12月6日
My 45-year-old wife occasionally does a ninja kick when she enters a room. Not all the time (that would be crazy) but enough to keep you on your toes.
— Henry H. Neff (@henryhneff) 2018年12月6日
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