其實他也是驚奇隊長《沙贊!》評價公開 DC又一部電影大成功
說到《沙贊!》啊~其實史上第一個Captain Marvel,應該是這位現在以《沙贊!》為名的超級英雄,只不過當初(1940年代)因為跟超人太像漫畫又賣太好,被DC告上法院,等到DC獲得了《沙贊》漫畫的版權時(1972),Captain Marvel已經被漫威給註冊走了。
「我愛《沙贊!》,超級有趣,非常好笑(有幾次觀眾笑得太大聲我甚至聽不到電影對話),而且完全就是DC想要拍的:當《飛進未來》碰到《超人》。Zachary Levi 的選角非常完美,但真正令人驚訝的是Jack Dylan Grazer飾演的Freddy,有夠搶鏡。」
loved #Shazam. It's super fun, very funny (a few times people were laughing so loud I missed dialogue), and exactly what they set out to make: 'Big' meets Superman. @ZacharyLevi is perfectly cast but the real surprise is @Jgrazerofficial as Freddy Freeman. Steals the show. pic.twitter.com/ssvs8Dwc2P
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) March 8, 2019
「《沙贊!》另一個出色之處在於DC並沒有試著拍出一部配合DC宇宙的電影,他們只是專心拍出一部很棒的《沙贊!》電影,而且非常成功。DC最近連戰皆捷,快把Todd Phillips的《Joker》交出來吧」
Another thing that's great about #Shazam is #DC didn't try and make a movie that fits in perfectly with the larger DC Universe. They just focused on making a great Shazam movie and hit a homerun. DC is def on a winning streak. Bring on Todd Phillips 'Joker'! pic.twitter.com/sH1kyprCMZ
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) March 8, 2019
「《沙贊!》讓人心滿意足,活力十足,誠意滿滿,還有幽默歡樂。家庭元素非常吸引人,看Zachary Levi表演探索新能力的幽默也是。雖然我在看完《牠》後也說過這句話,不過值得強調:Jack Dylan Grazer是天生的明星 」
#Shazam is an absolute delight! Super vibrant, tons of heart & a great fun-loving vibe. The family element is a big charmer & so is the humor that comes with watching @ZacharyLevi explore his new powers. Said this after IT but it's worth repeating - @Jgrazerofficial is a star.
— Perri Nemiroff (@PNemiroff) March 8, 2019
「我愛死《沙贊!》了,這是目前為止我最喜歡的DC電影。Zachary Levi 飾演沙贊選角非常完美,孩子們更是搶鏡。這是一部優秀的家庭片,佐以出色的動作場面跟很棒的幽默感,你們一定會喜歡的」
I absolutely loved #Shazam! It's my favorite DC film yet. Zachary Levi as Shazam was perfect casting and the kids absolutely steal the show. It's an amazing family movie with dope fight scenes and great humor! You guys are going to love it. pic.twitter.com/pZd5oORVA3
— Dorian Parks (@DorianParksnRec) March 8, 2019
「對我來說《沙贊!》簡直接近完美。是我目前為止最喜歡的DC電影(DCEU?你在說什麼啊?) 情感純真,超級好笑,還有很多內部笑話跟彩蛋,我看電影時感受到的是孩子般的喜悅。這些角色簡直就是為Zachary Levi、還有Jack Dylan Grazer & Asher Angel 、以及全體卡司量身打造。」
#Shazam was damn near PERFECT in my book. My FAVORITE DC movie (DCEU? What are we saying now?) by far. Pure of heart, incredibly funny, full of in-jokes and references. Brought me a childlike joy to watch. This role was MADE for @ZacharyLevi... & Jack & Asher & the entire cast pic.twitter.com/rVrxjcwvCe
— Ash Crossan (@AshCrossan) March 8, 2019
Shazam! is another win for DC. Sure, the humor & action you'd expect from a superhero film are there, but #ShazamMovie stands out because of the emotional, family story at its center. I had some small issues with the hero/villain aspects but the family stuff is dynamic & powerful pic.twitter.com/FYM3QVp5hu
— Germain Lussier (@GermainLussier) March 8, 2019
#Shazam is big, goofy, lovable, and unlike anything DC has done before. Definitely in the vein of Tom Hanks' BIG, but with superhero action & lots of Batman and Superman references. I dug this film so much I wanted to give it a bear hug at the end. DC's movies keep getting better pic.twitter.com/WQJgo61gMg
— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) March 8, 2019
「DC終於有了完整的表現,《沙贊!》非常出色!雖然是讓人熟悉的起源故事架構,但它也帶來了許多新意-主要是他歡樂如同孩童一般的熱情,還有對家庭動人的觀點。還有這個角色簡直是註定要由Zachary Levi來演出。」
DC is finally building a solid run: #Shazam is a delight! Its familiar origin structure is forgivable because of all the new it brings to the table - primarily it's gleeful, childlike enthusiasm, & heartfelt perspective on family. It's also the role Zachary Levi was born to play. pic.twitter.com/5zXtfFDBGm
— Eric Eisenberg (@eeisenberg) March 8, 2019
Shazam! is DC’s most joyful & sweet movie since the era of Christopher Reeve’s Superman, a funny yet earnest coming of age story about a boy who learns that, well, with great power comes great responsibility. It doesn’t reinvent the superhero movie wheel, but it’s undeniably fun! pic.twitter.com/rdT8zljkxo
— Jim Vejvoda (@JimVejvoda) March 8, 2019
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