真人版《小飛象》無雷評價公開 不只是真人化也是部續集
I enjoyed #Dumbo. Fantastic art/production design, a surprising/necessary pro-animal rights message. One of the best live action films Burton has directed in years. Unlike most Disney adaptations, its in the unique position to be 35% an adaptation and 65% a sequel, which is cool. pic.twitter.com/Yqzbl7uY3Q
— Peter Sciretta (@slashfilm) March 12, 2019
I know I don’t sound too enthused about this movie but it was enjoyable, and it is certainly worlds better than Beauty and the Beast and Mary Poppins Returns. For reference, the only Disney live action remakes I liked were Jungle Book and Cinderella.
— Peter Sciretta (@slashfilm) March 12, 2019
I really enjoyed #Dumbo . It’s a beautiful and whimsical movie, starring a CGI elephant with so much heart. It’s also a rather simple tale, so don’t expect tons of character septh. But I still had a blast with the ride it took me on and it’s the best Burton’s been in years. pic.twitter.com/tKu6eHfKlM
— Chris E. Hayner (@ChrisHayner) March 12, 2019
「我覺得電影最有利之處在於這不僅僅是重拍成真人版,動畫電影大概一個小時長,沒什麼著重於人類,真人版有像Danny DeVito 跟米高基頓誇張的表演,還有很多其他的角色。」
What I think it has going for it most is it’s not simply a live action remake. The animated original is an hour long and light on humans. This has people like Danny DeVito and Michael Keaton playing over-the-top, and plenty of other characters. #Dumbo
— Chris E. Hayner (@ChrisHayner) March 12, 2019
「不過不要誤會,這仍然是一個關於有著大耳朵的小象想要再次見到他媽媽的故事。只是故事剛好有不少可愛之處,還有一些致敬原著的歌舞,Casey Jr 的表現對我來說特別出色。」
Make no mistake, though. It’s still the story of a giant-eared elephant that just wants to see his mom again. There just happens to be a good amount of adorable mixed in, and some fun musical nods to the original. Casey Jr was a particular delight for me. #Dumbo
— Chris E. Hayner (@ChrisHayner) March 12, 2019
And whew. The production design is flat-out incredible. I want to visit this world. All of it. #Dumbo
— Chris E. Hayner (@ChrisHayner) March 12, 2019
DUMBO stole my heart. I'm totally cool with it. Congrats to everyone behind this beautiful, surprising & visually mindblowing film. pic.twitter.com/cekRIzTOcc
— Julia Hart (@juliahartowitz) March 12, 2019
Watched #Dumbo last week. Despite some great visuals, a very fun Michael Keaton performance, and an adorable baby pachyderm, the movie never really gets you caring as much about what's going on as the original. The human stories feel undercooked and it really rains on the parade.
— Tom Jorgensen (@Tom_Jorgensen) March 12, 2019
「我不知道我對電影有什麼期待,但《小飛象》真的是一部溫馨 有趣 值得你歡時間觀賞的作品。卡司很棒,但特效小飛象真的是太有說服力了,每一幕只要有他出現都很搶鏡。」
I wasn't sure what to expect, but I can say that #Dumbo is a genuinely heartwarming, entertaining movie that is definitely worth your time. The cast is enjoyable but the VFX Dumbo is so damn expressive that he steals the show everytime he's onscreen.
— Nick Kazden (@ricknazden) March 12, 2019
Our reporter @minkus saw #Dumbo. “It’s absolutely wonderful - a beautiful story, quite different than the original, that won’t leave a dry eye in the theater. The cast is kismet together on screen. It’s one of Tim Burton’s best in a long time.” Full review on the 26th. pic.twitter.com/1VvhDU9dbl
— Attractions Magazine (@Attractions) March 12, 2019
#Dumbo the character is quite cute. But unfortunately, though it looks great, the movie lacks the sincerity and heart that made the animated original a classic. Too manufactured, and it’s super talented cast is a bit wasted on paper thin characters and relationships. -Mike M
— The Nerds of Color (@TheNerdsofColor) March 12, 2019
Just got out of the world premiere of @Dumbo , and WOW WOW WOW! Tim Burton at its finest! It may be my fave live action remake yet! #dumbo #dumbopremiere pic.twitter.com/l2AL0LikQu
— Jessica McDonald (@healthy_mouse) March 12, 2019
以及Danny DeVito演出
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