喵星人可以說是地球上最有魅力的生物之一,講生物好像怪怪的...因為貓應該是在人類以上的優越物種吧(笑),總之貓大家都喜歡就對了(認同),那麼有一個問題來了,到哪裡都吃得開的貓咪,是不是連戲劇圈都有辦法活躍呢?這個問題國外的一個推特帳戶「Is there a cat in this movie? @catinthemovie」幫大家解答了,如果你有問題「這部電影裡有貓嗎?」的話,相信只要刷一下貼文串,相信就知道貓有多常出現在電影之中惹
The Fifth Element (1997): Yes pic.twitter.com/fqDGh1auDv
— Is there a cat in this movie? (@catinthemovie) 7 юли 2019 г.
▼法櫃奇兵 (1981): චᆽච
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981): Yes pic.twitter.com/M1QFMAq7Eh
— Is there a cat in this movie? (@catinthemovie) 5 юли 2019 г.
▼髮膠明星夢(2007): ฅ•ω•ฅ
Hairspray (2007): Yes pic.twitter.com/iaFRj9UCo5
— Is there a cat in this movie? (@catinthemovie) 29 юни 2019 г.
▼神鬼傳奇 (1999): (ꀂǒꀂ)
The Mummy (1999): Yes pic.twitter.com/cj2fzloWJb
— Is there a cat in this movie? (@catinthemovie) 28 юни 2019 г.
▼波希米亞狂想曲 (2018): (ꃪꄳꃪ)
Bohemian Rhapsody (2018): Yes pic.twitter.com/GgWdDhvSpQ
— Is there a cat in this movie? (@catinthemovie) 21 юни 2019 г.
▼驅魔神探 康斯坦汀 (2005):ʘ̥ꀾʘ̥
Constantine (2005): Yes pic.twitter.com/RiKwaNNhHE
— Is there a cat in this movie? (@catinthemovie) 18 май 2019 г.
▼搶救基努大作戰 (2016): =ộ⍛ộ=
Keanu (2016): Yes pic.twitter.com/utuX7cWanj
— Is there a cat in this movie? (@catinthemovie) 17 май 2019 г.
▼艾蜜莉的異想世界 (2001): ミ๏v๏彡
Amélie (2001): Yes pic.twitter.com/yFfJT2vhpV
— Is there a cat in this movie? (@catinthemovie) 16 април 2019 г.
▼沉默的羔羊(1991): (=ↀωↀ=) (窗戶上的剪影)
The Silence of the Lambs (1991): Yes pic.twitter.com/e60WSAArwZ
— Is there a cat in this movie? (@catinthemovie) 10 април 2019 г.
▼異形 (1979): (⁎˃ᆺ˂)
Alien (1979): Yes pic.twitter.com/K1sYxWkvyo
— Is there a cat in this movie? (@catinthemovie) 9 март 2019 г.
Captain Marvel (2019): Yes pic.twitter.com/xOBrHOwZWP
— Is there a cat in this movie? (@catinthemovie) 8 март 2019 г.
▼教父(1972): (^・ェ・^)
The Godfather (1972): Yes pic.twitter.com/pDpxEKbKni
— Is there a cat in this movie? (@catinthemovie) 4 март 2019 г.
部分資料來自網路 ( Is there a cat in this movie )