一年一度運動與廣告界盛事、美式足球總決賽「超級盃 」在美國時間2月3日下午登場!除了讓人血脈賁張的決賽氛圍,就算美式足球外行人如我都知道~球賽可以不看,廣告與預告卻不能錯過!今年超級盃甚至還沒有結束,但是像萬眾矚目的《復仇者聯盟4:終局之戰》預告已經上線~熱騰騰馬上就來分享一下 ~
原汁原味的內容在這裡「2019超級盃」 已經公開的電影預告包括
《奇幻遊樂園(Wonder Park)》,4月4日上映
Guillermo del Toro改編的恐怖故事《黑暗中說的恐怖故事(Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark,暫譯 )》,美國8月9日上映
"Who took my big to-o-o-o-o-e?"
— Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (@ScaryStoriesMov) 2019年2月3日
From the dark imagination of Guillermo del Toro, based on the iconic book series, your first look at Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark - in theaters this summer. #ScaryStories pic.twitter.com/am6qjrD5eg
Turn out the lights and prepare for terror... the Jangly Man is coming for you.
— Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (@ScaryStoriesMov) 2019年2月3日
From the dark imagination of Guillermo del Toro, based on the iconic book series, your first look at Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark - in theaters this summer. #ScaryStories pic.twitter.com/b76IxYSDwI
She leaned over the bed and whispered, "This is an evil place. Flee while you can."
— Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (@ScaryStoriesMov) 2019年2月4日
From the dark imagination of Guillermo del Toro, based on the iconic book series, your first look at Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark - in theaters this summer. #ScaryStories pic.twitter.com/NywkMMOwxA
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