狂粉遇到偶像《和Timothee Chalamet搭同一班飛機》的反應 真希望哪天我也這麼好運 ಥ___ಥ
如果你有欣賞的偶像,或許就曾經幻想過如果走在路上不小心跟他四目相對~或是在走廊上不小心撞掉他的文件(這什麼偶像劇劇情),或是不小心搭到同一班高鐵(?)要對他說什麼好。一位幸運的粉絲Alankrutha Giridhar,就跟自己瘋狂喜歡的演員 Timothée Chalamet 幸運地在飛機上正好座在相鄰的位置。從Alankrutha在推特上一連串狂喜亂舞的REPO,就可以感受到她的興奮。希望下一次,這種幸運兒是我啊......Q Q
原汁原味的內容在這裡來自印度的25歲女孩Alankrutha Giridhar,在一趟三個小時的飛行中,跟她的偶像 Timothée Chalamet當鄰居
Timothée Chalamet是當今好萊塢潛力十足最炙手可熱的新生代之一
而Alankrutha Giridhar從她的第一條回報推開始,興奮的情緒都從字裡行間透露出來
「各位,沒什麼,就是我在剛剛三個小時的航班裡,隔壁坐的是Timothée Chalamet,我們聊了大概一個多小時沒什麼大不了的我現在超級冷靜的你們一定都看得出來 」
「我登機的時候看到一個高高瘦瘦的男子站在我前方,身上穿著帽T,我們兩個是航班上唯二頭上沒有行李箱可以用來放行李的人,我抬頭看他,看到一個天使,我心中的警鈴開始大作」Y’all nbd just sat next to @RealChalamet on a 3 hour flight and we CHATTED FOR AN HOUR NBD I AM SUPER CALM RIGHT NOW AS EVERYONE CAN TELL
— Alankrutha (@alankruthahaha) February 5, 2019
SO I enter the flight and see a tall, lanky dude in front of me wearing a hoodie and both of us are the only ones w/o overhead space to keep our bags and I look up to see an actual angel and alarm bells in my head go off immediately pic.twitter.com/xVXEwcrdGk
— Alankrutha (@alankruthahaha) February 5, 2019
「飛機起飛後我頭腦都要爆炸了因為我真的需要知道他是誰,所以起飛30分鐘後,我鼓起勇起問他『你看起來好像Timothée Chalamet』他笑著回答『我常常被人家這麼說』」
flight takes off and head is exploding bc I *had* to know who this dude so 30 mins into the flight, I work up the courage and nudge him and ask “hey you look exactly like timothee Chalamet” to which he smiles and says “I GET THAT A LOT” pic.twitter.com/SaEpjOqOBE
— Alankrutha (@alankruthahaha) February 5, 2019
So I figured he didn’t want to be disturbed and things I did in the process- ate a sandwich, peed twice, kept stealing glances at him and 1.5 hours in, he asked me when the flight was going to land and I couldn’t hold it in and said “I KNOW U R TIMOTHEE” pic.twitter.com/fixN4Z9X4G
— Alankrutha (@alankruthahaha) February 5, 2019
HE LAUGHED AND SAID “AYYY YES IT IS, HI I AM TIMOTHEE” and shook my hands and at this point I was basically shook/ stunned and I couldn’t process anything pic.twitter.com/nYXovxWM4s
— Alankrutha (@alankruthahaha) February 5, 2019
1.你怎麼會坐在經濟艙(他笑了然後說你怎麼敢這麼說how dare you)
3. Steve Carrell是什麼樣的人(他說他超讚),然後問我要不要跟他facetime」
List of actual questions my dumb bitch mind asked him that he answered super patiently:
— Alankrutha (@alankruthahaha) February 5, 2019
1. Why are you sitting in economy class (he laughed and said how dare you)
2. Have you met Beyoncé (he has not)
3. How is Steve carrell (he said he’s amazing and offered to FaceTime him!!)
1. 我google過你的身高
5. 我被你在《淑女鳥》的登場畫面給秒殺,雖然你在電影裡是個渾蛋」
List of words that escaped my mouth:
— Alankrutha (@alankruthahaha) February 5, 2019
1: I googled your height
2. Pls see my friend’s (@amyoosed)twitter dp, it is ur face
3. I have stalked ur Wiki page (got a hi 5 for this)
4. Are u going to the oscars
5. Your introductory scene in lady bird kills me tho ur a D bag in it
What shocks me the most is this dude wanted to know about me. He asked me what I do, what project management is about (literally who cares timothee), where I grew up and PRONOUNCED MY NAME RIGHT pic.twitter.com/Z57pj2T2SS
— Alankrutha (@alankruthahaha) February 5, 2019
And all his questions were super sincere and genuine and he KEPT high fiving/ friendly nudging and while my heart was exploding, I also spoke to him like I would to a friend only bc he made me feel so comfortable! pic.twitter.com/7vQhTQjItD
— Alankrutha (@alankruthahaha) February 5, 2019
The flight landed, we spoke for a bit about his upcoming films, he wished me luck for my career (Idc about my career at this point) and also told me I was the *only* one in his entire journey who recognised him and asks if I want a pic and I oblige graciously w/o any frills pic.twitter.com/NMGjKVKvDQ
— Alankrutha (@alankruthahaha) February 5, 2019
「這個故事告訴我們:如果你工作得夠認真,你就有可能碰到Timothée Chalamet,還可以問他手機裡最有名的名人照片是誰」
MORAL OF THE STORY- if you work hard enough and never leave your house, you might stumble upon @RealChalamet on a flight and proceed to ask him who the most famous celeb on his phone is. *THE END*
— Alankrutha (@alankruthahaha) February 5, 2019
Idk how one can be this terrible at taking selfies but look out world here I come. Anyway idc just look at his face, this experience has been beautiful and he’s a very nice person (and we might be friends but idkkkkk) pic.twitter.com/yhdEF08pUz
— Alankrutha (@alankruthahaha) February 5, 2019
圖片來自:buzzfeed.com部分資料來自網路 ( buzzfeed.com )