推特網友 nerdy(@nerdyasians)最近在一則爆紅的推特裡呼籲
it’s time for western media to drop the idea that asian girls need neon streaks of color in their hair to stand out. pic.twitter.com/r2YRNdENbG
— nerdy (@nerdyasians) 2018年5月22日
「第一代黃衣戰士Thuy Trang當時擁有的是一頭天然的黑髮,他同樣很優秀,安息吧一代象徵」
thuy trang, the original yellow ranger, rocked her natural black hair back in the day & stood out just fine. rip icon. pic.twitter.com/VNobVEMSRF
— nerdy (@nerdyasians) 2018年5月22日
the fact that asian girls in media can't be rebellious/different without a streak of (purple) color in their hair pisses me off to no end. pic.twitter.com/tLDYekJzs1
— ????洋洋 (@heartmush) 2017年8月15日
「可惡,『染髮的亞洲女孩』甚至有一個 『TV橋段』維基頁面,證明了這些設定有多明顯」
hell. it has a tv tropes page (https://t.co/r3sl3YnL1l) which shows how prevalent the trope is.
— ????洋洋 (@heartmush) 2017年8月15日
「西方人對東方女孩有種刻板印象,認為他們通常是乖巧聽話的,有『天然美 (深夜頭髮/眼睛)』,這就是一種偏見」
there's this stereotype that asian woman are usually demure, have "natural beauty"(dark hair/eyes), which is damaging on its own.
— ????洋洋 (@heartmush) 2017年8月15日
so western producers have this idea that to "subvert" this trope, they have to make us ~different~. like look at this Edgy Asian Girl.
— ????洋洋 (@heartmush) 2017年8月15日
look at how Different this girl with some colored hair is from the other boring, quiet, dainty asian girls!
— ????洋洋 (@heartmush) 2017年8月15日
i think shoorm on tumblr made this much bigger spreadsheet of characters, some with all purple hair, but still, the idea sticks. pic.twitter.com/b5VSyTONWS
— ????洋洋 (@heartmush) 2017年8月15日
yeah, okay, we get that dyeing your hair is an act of rebellion! that's not inherently a bad thing...
— ????洋洋 (@heartmush) 2017年8月15日
but the fact that almost all asian women with this kind of "rebellious" attitude are depicted with p much the Same Hair... is disheartening.
— ????洋洋 (@heartmush) 2017年8月15日
it seems like in trying to subvert the subservient asian woman stereotype, western producers are just strengthening it instead.
— ????洋洋 (@heartmush) 2017年8月15日
this isn't to say ur asian girls cant have color in their hair. but if ur only reason is to make them edgy, different, then stop to think.
— ????洋洋 (@heartmush) 2017年8月15日
different from... what? all the "other" asian girls? why? because they make snarky jokes & dress in leather jackets & aren't delicate?
— ????洋洋 (@heartmush) 2017年8月15日
the important think to take from this thread is to use your head a little more when designing."innocuous" things can turn egregious quickly.
— ????洋洋 (@heartmush) 2017年8月15日
最近其他報章雜誌也開始報導原推特點出的問題,雖然有些人同意有些人不同意這種「刻板印象」 ,畢竟有更多角色沒有染髮但是一樣出色,但最好的改善方法是不論有沒有染髮,只要西方媒體在塑造東方角色時,給予他們更多面向的深度,這樣一來髮色或許就不會是第一個被注意到的特色了。
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