《萬事問網路》演員Vincent D’Onofrio推特問「我該不該接種族歧視者的角色?」
雖然說「人多嘴雜」什麼的,不過現在不是很流行「大數據」嗎?人一多,意見就會有個共同的範圍與方向。在現在好萊塢致力於剷除種族主義與刻板印象,增加影片與演員多元度的時候,演員Vincent D’Onofrio在推特上問:
Vincent D’Onofrio是好萊塢的資深演員,屬於那種你不知道你看過他的作品,但是一說出他演過的角色你會驚呼原來是他的類型
圖片來自: digitalspy.com
Vincent D’Onofrio的角色包括:
圖片來自: throwbacks.com
圖片來自: charlottehowell.net
「馬龍白蘭度在《Roots: The Next Generations》就演了。老兄,我們是演員!如果那個角色夠吸引人,你就該演!」
Brando did it in Roots. We’re Actors bro! If the character is fascinating, ya gotta play it! https://t.co/PzUyhVzw1z
— Ron Perlman (@perlmutations) 2018年8月11日
「有人會建議你接那個角色,演出種族歧視的模樣,然後他們看了以後就可以說 這樣他們就可以說『我不像那個角色,所以我不是種族歧視』然後他們就可以不用去深思他們所做的那些自我中心又很有問題的種族歧視思想」
Some will advise taking role to display the racism as other, so they can view it, say, ‘I’m not like (character), so I’m not racist.’ That way, they don’t have to delve into their own, problematic, bigoted or racist views because they’re not the extreme.
— Westworld Auntie (@DPMCanty) 2018年8月11日
Even ‘redemption’ stories make me cringe because it’s usually the oppressed having to teach racist lessons instead of racist learning on their own. I’d tread very carefully. You’re a great actor and thanks for asking, prompting dialogue on touchy subject.
— Westworld Auntie (@DPMCanty) 2018年8月11日
when considering playing darkness i think it’s important to consider if the consequences/retribution they pay for their behavior matches the bad they put into the world in a realistic way - if there is human justice equal-to-or-greater-than their evil - then i consider it...
— ptolemy slocum (@ptolemy) 2018年8月11日
Everything depends on whether you’re promoting racist behavior or illuminating its effects on society. #BePeace
— Carl Weathers (@TheCarlWeathers) 2018年8月13日
I think so. You bring such deep authenticity to every character you play -- people need to see some heavy truths.
— donal logue (@donallogue) 2018年8月11日
Is it a completely fictional character, or is it representing someone specific? Do you think you can best represent this character? Or is what they’re asking just distasteful to you? I assume acting is like other careers, in that some opportunities come w/personal compromises.
— Bill the Cat (@Biill_the_Cat) 2018年8月11日
Christ, this is pathetic.
— Hi, I Think I’m Real (@thinkimreal) 2018年8月12日
One of the most talented actors working today has to stand on a shrine of eggshells and ask Twitter for permission to do his job.
It’s called acting, Mr. D’Onofrio, you happen to be quite good at it. https://t.co/zwlN6VM0TU
最後,Vincent D’Onofrio在推特上表示 :
Thanks everyone. I have almost 2500 opinions and I appreciate everyone of them. I'm going to have to make my decision in a few days. You all have been extremely helpful. More then I could imagine. Peace https://t.co/f3LM9mgIIy
— Vincent D'Onofrio (@vincentdonofrio) 2018年8月12日
部分資料來自網路 ( vulture.com )