


上一回我們在《惡靈古堡2重製版真人臉模》這篇裡面,跟大家聊到一些配角們的真人演員有誰,說真的不騙大家,當我看到艾達我還真的有點怕我們的美鳳姐會出來露臉XD,總之最近隨著「Devil May Cry」遊戲推出,是不是也很好奇真人建膜的部份是找誰來擔任的呢?今天這篇「惡魔獵人5真人臉模」裡面,我們就看看國外TeddyKGaming頻道幫我們整理出的資料名單吧(針對標題的部份阿漆做了修改~抱歉)




▼NERO / karlo baker




▼V / owen mcginnity




▼nico / emily bador




▼morrison / antony fitzgerald




▼dante / sdam cowie




▼lady / andrea tivadar




▼trish / ariana damant




▼vergil / maxim nazarov





▼NERO / karlo baker

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It's been one hell of a ride but I am EXCITED to announce that DMC5 has now officially launched TODAY, 8th March 2019 and is available ????wide in stores & online for all major consoles! ????❤️ . With this I want to say a massive THANK YOU to the entire @capcom_uk_official @officialcapcom @devilmaycrygame team for all the hard work and support they have given to make this game happen! Over 4 years of planning and hard work has finally paid off and I'm so honoured to have been part of this amazing journey! ☺️???? . Here's a little personal secret: When I first got asked whether I'd want to be the face of the lead character Nero in this so called game "Devil May Cry 5" in which I'd be literally slaying demons and destroying evil I said YES before even thinking twice! Why? Well as funny as it may sound and no matter what you believe in - I have been passionate since very young to stand up for what's good, fight all things evil and bring justice to this corrupt world! Hands down that sold it to me before anything else, yes even the paycheck! ???????????? . Wishing everyone an amazing weekend and hopefully see you all at the Meet&Greet tomorrow in Milan 11am - 3pm, check my story! . Time to destroy evil and stand up for what's good friends! ????????????????❤️

Karlo Baker(@karlobaker)分享的貼文 於 PST 2019 年 3月 月 8 日 下午 12:10 張貼


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What is the point of being successful in every area of your life - having tons of friends, money, a successful career, fame, access to anything you want, opportunity to travel, being fit and healthy but then having no PEACE, no JOY and no LOVE in you?! . The world around you might tell you that chasing and achieving these things will enable these qualities or worse, tell you that they don't even matter and aren't important for a fulfilled life. If not careful these beliefs will create in you an illusion that achieving success, the perfect body, wealth etc will bring you true happiness, which will consequently consume your entire thought life, speech and ultimately actions. . But will these things truly sustain, fulfill and make you happy and keep you happy especially during the storms that we ALL face throughout our lives?! . So let me ask you - what things are you focusing on in life?! Do you feel a steady peace, joy and love for yourself and others around you? . Non of these outer things are bad but if you don't have the inner FIRST, trust me the outer becomes absolutely USELESS to you. You will even resent them! . Stop chasing the outer before you have found, grabbed hold of and own the inner. It all starts in your heart! . To make this practical - what are you filling your heart with? I.e. what are you filling your mind with, what are you watching, who and what are you listening to, what kind of people are you surrounding yourself with? . Focus on the inner things FIRST and everything else will follow! . . "Fill your minds and meditate on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious - the best not the worst, the beautiful, not the ugly, things to praise, not things to curse. Put these things into practice, what you heard, saw and realised." Phil 4:8-9 . . "Above all else, guard your heart for everything you do flows from it!" Prov 4:23 Happy Weekend Friends! ????❤️???? X

Karlo Baker(@karlobaker)分享的貼文 於 PST 2019 年 1月 月 4 日 上午 11:54 張貼


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Do you ever find yourself looking over your shoulder and comparing yourself to others around you? Comparing your looks, your status, finances, relationships, health, success, possessions, skills, intelligence or even personality wishing to be someone else you're not? Well don't! . There's only one you, owning a unique purpose, set of skills and personality. Trying to be someone else won't only come across fake but will more importantly hinder you to be truly happy and content as happiness starts at a place of accepting ones self. Be the person you were truly meant to be! . So stop trying to conform to society, to the media telling you to be a certain type of person with a certain type of relationship, household, number of children, status and job. Be YOURSELF AND STOP COMPARING! . Reason I'm sharing this is cause of my own experience working in fashion which is especially hard as you are constantly bombarded with messages to be a certain way, dress a certain way, act, eat and think a certain way! Don't let society conform you, but take action & transform the society from a place of love and humility! ☝????????✌ . "Let’s go ahead and be what we were made to be, without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other, or trying to be something we aren’t." Romans 12:6

Karlo Baker(@karlobaker)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 9月 月 13 日 上午 11:59 張貼


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So many people only see the results but never question the process of getting there! . Getting fit, loosing weight, becoming successful - you name it, is never an overnight success formula - it's a lifetime journey of dedication, commitment, hard work, blood, sweat, tears and consistency! . ...and yes the process of achieving yours goals no matter what yours are (fill the gap), are very rarely comfortable, easy or fun! Sorry to burst your bubble. ???? . BUT they are achievable! How? . Well why not start with one or two small, manageable goals this year?! One step at a time! Keep focused on your goals and stop focusing on your current lack or dissatisfaction with how things are at present! . We've all been at places in life we didn't want to be, but the focus on the GOAL ahead has been the thing that has always kept me going! #keepfocused #keepgoing . What is one of your main goals for 2019? Let me know - would love to hear what you guys have planned for this year! Let's do this! ????????❤️

Karlo Baker(@karlobaker)分享的貼文 於 PST 2019 年 1月 月 20 日 下午 12:02 張貼


▼但丁/ asam cowie

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Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. - Benjamin Franklin Image by @claireecowie

Adam Cowie(@cowieadam)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 8月 月 2 日 上午 9:56 張貼






▼ V / owen mcginnity


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AMCK Models London S/S 2018 Show Package by Pantelis. #owenmcginnity #malemodels #malemodel #amckmodels

Male Model Corp(@malemodelcorp)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2017 年 5月 月 24 日 下午 2:11 張貼



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Photo: #JoFetto Model: #OwenMcGinnity #fashion #fashionphoto #statue #statueweek

???? Fashion Mood(@fashion_photo_world)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 7月 月 1 日 上午 6:09 張貼


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Owen doing paul shark now what hahah nice jacket ;) #paulandshark #owenmcginnity #fashion #jacket #brother #oldschool

Conor(@marzymcginnity)分享的貼文 於 PST 2018 年 2月 月 25 日 上午 8:45 張貼











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