家裡的小貓小狗小鳥小老鼠小烏龜小魚小孩一定是最可愛的,對吧?最就算做傻事也是最可愛的,所以如果他們不小心做了什麼傻事,當然是先拍照留念再說啊(咦)?美國一位專欄作家Nicole Cliffe日前在推特上詢問追蹤者「你們的寵物做過做傻的事情是什麼?」結果得到了超過3600個回復,其中許多推文圖文並茂甚至還有影片,小動物們傻乎乎的模樣,果真是最治癒的題材了。
Nicole Cliffe在推特上請大家分享他們的寵物們做過最傻的事情
What is the funniest thing a pet of yours has ever done? This is just a straight-up prompt tweet and I am quite confident we’ll be glad of it.
— Nicole Cliffe (@Nicole_Cliffe) March 30, 2019
Pics encouraged, particularly if relevant to the story.
my three month old german shepherd, having decided she’d had enough of being outside, elected not to wait the four seconds it would take me to stand up and open the door for her and instead shimmied through the cat flap pic.twitter.com/K1K3PC2qJu
— ???? (@oscarewilde) March 30, 2019
I swear this is true:
— Elizabeth Sampat (@twoscooters) March 30, 2019
Cats couldn’t open the door, always wanted outside. Dogs could open the door, no interest in going outside.
One morning there’s commotion. I go look: door's open, cats frolicking in snow. Dogs eating biscuits from the box knocked off the top of the fridge.
The cat does not understand alone time pic.twitter.com/OE74HoqwcN
— Lauri King (@LauriKing15) March 31, 2019
My cat was playing with a chapstick and it outsmarted her. pic.twitter.com/UmUlvUMnAd
— Lies over the ocean (@bonibrat) March 31, 2019
Teebo will randomly do what we call “the loaf” where he just lays immobile on his back in order to be carried pic.twitter.com/gMjtarcI3j
— Say (@high_r0lla) March 30, 2019
We stop paying attention to her for 10 minutes... pic.twitter.com/RQ3yR8Yqug
— Gina Zoglio (@ginazoglio10) March 30, 2019
this afternoon pic.twitter.com/fC4KRBNoZw
— Lauren Gilbert (@notanastronomer) March 31, 2019
He really didn't know how to get back down. pic.twitter.com/yRd29anoPD
— Ellen Keith (@theVIPatron) March 30, 2019
His brother was more comfortable. pic.twitter.com/IyqOjYXBVr
— Ellen Keith (@theVIPatron) March 30, 2019
Every single night Hamlet meows and meows out in the living room and then trots over to bed with this little mouse in his mouth and the stupid proud look on his face always makes me laugh. pic.twitter.com/MgEdl1ptIJ
— Matthew D'Ambrosio+ (@drmattdambrosio) March 31, 2019
My friend's cat heard her singing in the bath, walked in, smacked her in the face, walked out
— Gabe Moshenska (@GabeMoshenska) March 30, 2019
My pup is very independent and despite being the softest floof, only barely tolerates physical affection. When you've given her too much, she moves to the couch and does this pic.twitter.com/OVAEov8g0D
— erica (@ericaftx) March 31, 2019
My cat Zora is the funniest cat, she sleeps with her arms hugging whatever surface she’s on and is obsessed with watching water. Every time someone showers she sits between the curtain and the liner and just watches. Really freaks out guests. pic.twitter.com/CDHRVV0nAH
— Lucy Huber (@clhubes) March 30, 2019
treated herself to a litter box buffet; was thoroughly depressed about the consequence of a bath and sat like this the rest of the afternoon pic.twitter.com/nXIHXVIJO0
— XO XO GARAMOND GURL (@sallyjayjohnson) March 30, 2019
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