最近因為政府提倡防疫的關係,許許多多人都在考慮待在家除了辦公之外還能幹嘛,一般人我想肯定是追劇或打遊戲吧,加上近日不少大作問世,宅在家破關都快變成全民運動了,有買Switch的朋友有好好經營動物之森友會嗎?還是你覺得這樣打身體沒運動到也不是辦法呢?其實有解,國外一位遊戲實況主,最近就挑戰了「用健身環打黑暗靈魂」,試想你要用Switch RingFit全破「DARK SOULS III」喔!先不說那個難度高不高,光想就覺得瘦了...
如果對健身環大冒險這款遊戲不太熟的朋友,簡單介紹就是它是款可以搭配運動+過關的遊戲,過程中的各種應對都必須搭配肢體動作,慢跑=移動、往內壓=攻擊等等,透過運動的搭配一邊體驗遊戲加運動,對於現在適合待在家又想運動的朋友來說,這的確是娛樂性跟健康兼顧的妙招,但今天如果遊戲配上的是黑暗靈魂mod,那又是另外一種概念了,如果把Switch RingFit歸納為普遍級,那黑暗靈魂3就是地獄式鍛鍊,會操死人的運動量啊(汗)
Hey happy Sunday y'all!
— Super Louis 64 (@SuperLouis_64) 2020年4月5日
Here's a project I've been working on a #RingFitAdventure mod for @DarkSoulsGame. Squat to heal? Jog to move in-game? Prepare to Exercise!
⬇️ Explanation in the thread below ⬇️ pic.twitter.com/OVHtsSnmAw
遊戲直播主「Super Louis 64」在影片中,示範搭配健身環該怎麼操作以及一些遊玩過程
So the idea is simple: run and you get to move in-game. Detecting the leg-strap joycon's movement allows me to determine if the user is running. I made a threshold the user has to run in order for them to use the left-joystick! (no cheesing allowed) pic.twitter.com/G1dItLpOWS
— Super Louis 64 (@SuperLouis_64) 2020年4月5日
Of course this runs into a few issues, like getting tired. In the future I plan to make the leg strap joycon's D-Pad allow the user to control the intensity they want to run from "a good job" to "no jog" just in-case they are tired. Dark Souls will do that to you pic.twitter.com/MLgRt6WEKD
— Super Louis 64 (@SuperLouis_64) 2020年4月5日
The next big input was Squat! Checking if the leg-strap joycon was horizontal (or close to it) meant the user was definitely squatting. It worked during testing but during a run it was too hard to pull off.
— Super Louis 64 (@SuperLouis_64) 2020年4月5日
Turns out there's not many chances to stop still and squat in DS3 pic.twitter.com/yXvqS2u7g7
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