不曉得你怎麼想,但我個人覺得面試是這世界上最艱難的考驗之一,你永遠不知道面試官到底想要從你身上看得什麼,你又要怎麼做才能脫穎而出。四月初的時候,Business Insider 的責任主編 Jessica Liebman發表了一篇文章表示:「我已經負責管人事10年了,而我從來不雇用面試完後不寫感謝信的人」,這番言論引發巨大爭議。
這一般來說視為「可能可以加分」而不是必須。但Business Insider 的 Jessica Liebman發表了一篇文章引起激烈爭論,她在文章中表示「從來不雇用面試完後不寫感謝信的人」
Hey, I wrote something! … I’ve been hiring people for 10 years, and I still swear by a simple rule: If someone doesn’t send a thank you email, don’t hire them. https://t.co/NWXB1ozNgr
— Jessica Liebman (@jessicaliebman) 2019年4月5日
1. 不寄感謝信通常是代表求職者對這份工作並不是真的很感興趣(我們一直都有錄取沒寄感謝信的人,結果對方回絕了我們的邀請)
2. 聘用的過程其實我們能掌握的資料很少,感謝信讓我們能夠得到多一點的資訊:求職者非常積極、有條有理而且有禮貌。
Can you imagine working for someone who not just makes such arbitrary decisions but CELEBRATES them?
— Aunty Miche (@micheinnz) 2019年4月6日
Interviews work both ways. In an interview I'm finding out whether I want to work for them as much as they're finding out whether they want to hire me. A lot of people forget that.
— Aunty Miche (@micheinnz) 2019年4月7日
““It signals the person wants the job.Rather, no thank you email signals the person probably doesn't want the job.”
— Name cannot be blank (@hackSultan) 2019年4月7日
I stopped reading at this point.
The negligence, the pride, the nonchalant attitude towards the opinion of others. You only hire, you’re not God.
They went through our laborious application / screening process and took time off work / traveled / etc so that they could sit in front of me. That already tells me they want the job.
— Brian Williams (@brcrwilliams) 2019年4月7日
Hard disagree. And it'll discriminate against candidates from backgrounds where they don't get this kind of job search training, which has nothing to do with skills & ability to excel on the job. I like thank-you notes but making them a requirement is a terrible practice
— Ask a Manager (@AskAManager) 2019年4月6日
I don’t have a problem with it but let it be on both sides. If I’ve gone through your interviewing process up to the final interview and don’t get the job, how about them letting the person know someone else was chosen. #reciprocal #quidproquo #businessetiquette #professionalism
— Sharon Bettis (@bettis4_bettis) 2019年4月10日
The executive managing editor at Business Insider has the Internet fired up after revealing she never hires anyone who doesn't send a "thank you" note after an interview - Like It Or Not? @MarinaMarraco @nicksmithnews @STEPHMHAMILL @RealBramW #FOX5LION pic.twitter.com/qxmhkPj27c
— FOX 5 DC (@fox5dc) 2019年4月10日
Thank you, next? An executive from Business Insider has drawn criticism after saying that you shouldn’t hire someone who doesn’t send a thank you email after a job interview.
— The Talk (@TheTalkCBS) 2019年4月10日
????How diligent are you about sending thank you notes? pic.twitter.com/m9BHP5IgKz
眼見事情越鬧越大,替自己網站增加點擊率應該心中暗爽Jessica Liebman趕快打鐵趁熱發表了一篇澄清文
在文中她強調她只是想幫助其他求職者,因為以她所在的公司 Insider Inc. 為例,95%的求職者之後都會寄感謝信,但是事實上,感謝信其實並沒有決定性的作用。在她眼中,感謝信只是一個讓面試完整的過程。即使是 Insider Inc.也會選擇雇用沒有寄感謝信的應徵者,因為一份工作追根究柢最重要的,還是能力跟適合一個位置的程度。
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