《復仇者聯盟:終局之戰》7歲摩根(Lexi Rabe)IG上請大家不要再霸凌她與家人了...



復仇者聯盟:終局之戰》目前的票房累積至27.5億美元,已經超越《阿凡達》第一次上映時間所創下27.49億美元,最近凱文費吉打算上映增加7分鐘長的《復仇者聯盟:終局之戰》,看是否有望一舉拉下《阿凡達》。而提到《終局之戰》,最近電影中的7歲女演員Lexi Rabe,在IG上公開一段影片,以孩子特有的單純稚嫩的嗓音,請有些人不要再霸凌她跟她的家人了......











「我恨我們必須貼出這樣的內容,但是又一次的有人欺負Lexi Rabe,這種事情會讓明星永遠不想離開家,或是永遠不想見到別人。請把你的意見留給自己知道就好,讓Lexi能夠在一個自由的世界長大。她是個普通人,也還只是個孩子。我們有時候一直在趕時間壓力很大,看起來可能有點陰沉。我很抱歉讓你們看到這種模樣,但生活就是這樣。如果你們想要簽名我們盡量都說好,但如果那些事情不太順利,我們有權拒絕,我們並不完美,那些完美的孩子並沒有被賦予自由與該有的權力,如果你的孩子在公共場合害怕做自己或是搞砸一點小事,那就是家長管太多了。我們給孩子很多規矩,但我們也給他們從錯誤中學習的自由。如果你們在公開場合看見我們,然後對我們品頭論足,首先,你等到你自己有孩子時你就知道了,然後我們並不完美也不覺得自己完美。每個人有不同的處事方法,你管教你的孩子的方法並不一定適用於我們。」

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I hate that we even have to post this. But yet again Lexi’s getting bullied. And this kind of thing makes it celebrities never want to leave the house never want to meet people. Please keep your opinions to yourself so Lexi can grow up in the free world. She’s a normal human being and she’s a child. We give her a talking and we give her timeouts but we don’t do that in public. Sometimes were rushing from place to place stressed like everyone else to get to set on time or work or whatever and we seem a little grumpy. I’m sorry if you see us this way but that’s life! If you ask us for an autograph we always almost say yes. If we happen to be having a bad day that might put us right on the right! We are not perfect! These perfect children are not being given the freedoms and the rights that they should. If your child is so scared to be themselves in public and mess up a little then you’re over parenting. We give our children plenty of rules and boundaries But then give them the freedoms to mess up and learn from their own mistakes. They would not be on set an on movies if they weren’t well behaved. Trust me they have no desire to hire kids like that! And there were plenty of children that productions can work with. So if you see us in public and think you have the right to judge. Wait. Number one until you have children of your own, and Number two realize that we’re not perfect and we’re not claiming to be! But just try to realize the different strokes for different folks what you do with your kids may work for you and what I do with my kids works well for me. My children love me and respect me even if they act out sometimes. Thank you! Jessica!

Lexi Rabe(@lexi_rabe)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2019 年 6月 月 21 日 下午 3:31 張貼


Lexi Rabe在影片中除了表示自己才7歲,有時候會沮喪,請大家不要再霸凌她與她的家人






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THANKS for ALL your SUPPORT! If you see someone saying unkind things....PLEASE report their account to @instagram . It takes a village!

Lexi Rabe(@lexi_rabe)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2019 年 6月 月 21 日 下午 6:45 張貼



看到這個消息,就讓人想到在《星際大戰》中飾演年輕安納金的小童星Jake Lloyd,10歲時就以《星際大戰首部曲:威脅潛伏》爆紅,但也因此被同學欺負的很慘,據說舉凡排擠,或是只要他經過就故意模仿光劍的聲音騷擾他等等事情不勝枚舉。Jake Lloyd在26歲時因危險駕駛被捕入獄,後來接受精神治療,早以淡出演藝圈。


圖片來自: express.co.uk








部分資料來自網路 ( movieweb.com )


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