新年新希望,今天1月3號,希望你的願望還沒破功......網飛Netflix歐美區在新年上架的日本整理專家近藤麻理惠(Marie Kondo)的節目《怦然心動的人生整理魔法》,在2019一開始就看到這些的節目,而且還有假期,你會怎麼做呢......在節目上架後,許多網友紛紛在推特上分享:謝謝網飛,我的一整個新年假期,就在整理中過去了呢~
Netflix did a brilliant by releasing the Marie Kondo show on New Years
— Emily Grace Buck ???? (@emilybuckshot) 2019年1月1日
I see what you're doing Netflix, releasing the Marie Kondo show on the 1st of January...
— Thick Willy Pizzazz™????️ (@luciflemme) 2019年1月1日
Here's what happens when you watch on New Year's Day!!! Wonderful show and you have such positive energy! pic.twitter.com/VGepQtit2p
— Mary Morgan (@mnm12) 2019年1月1日
After episode one I have decided to donate ALL of this. Nothing “sparked joy” but I hope it will for someone else. Thank you, thank you! pic.twitter.com/26oMeyvFSt
— JG (@jmgam04) 2019年1月2日
@mariekondo is so adorable and I love her new Netflix show.
— Amy Koeller (@amy_koeller) 2019年1月1日
I’ve read the book and started clearing out today!
Each hanger is one less unneeded item of clothing! Those are 30 gallon bags!#konmari #tidyingupwithmariekondo #NewYearsResolutions pic.twitter.com/T0DpXx84rR
tfw you tune into that new marie kondo show and you suddenly have newly organized shelves and two large donation piles ✌???? pic.twitter.com/huxCxwFVT6
— betty felon (@bettyfelon) 2019年1月2日
Why yes, we DID start watching the Marie Kondo show on netflix, why do you ask? pic.twitter.com/6mklD2yMzf
— joemag in the year 2019 (@joemag_games) 2019年1月1日
I’m 2 episodes into Tidying Up with Marie Kondo and all the clothes I own are already on my bed ???? pic.twitter.com/EHn9zFb7Rj
— Maggie May ???????? (@Flannel_Planet) 2019年1月2日
Oh noooo the season is over when does the next one come out?!? #TUWMK #TidyingUp #SparkJoy pic.twitter.com/xC0ZtKEIqt
— Maggie May ???????? (@Flannel_Planet) 2019年1月2日
Just reorganized my T-shirt drawer. Oh yeah. Who wants to touch me? #MarieKondo pic.twitter.com/GypNsPMBT8
— Dan Beasley-Harling (@DBeasleyHarling) 2019年1月2日
Inspired by Netflix and Tidying up with Marie Kondo, I have two bags of clothes ready to donate today. More to come for sure. #clothes #tidyingupwithmariekondo pic.twitter.com/i0rOYzklWd
— Karen Foreman-Brown (@serenity22) 2019年1月2日
This is what happens when you and your husband both have ADHD and you watch the first episode of the Marie Kondo Netflix show
— Kerrie Colleen Byrne (@kercoby) 2019年1月2日
...there is no joy in this pile of clothes, guys pic.twitter.com/315aN4eRpr
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