《飛機飛錯機場》事件 杜塞道夫跟愛丁堡卯起來拉客了
還記得昨天分享的《飛機飛錯目的地 要飛德國結果飛到愛丁堡》意外嗎?現在網路上各家相關官方推特為此大打嘴炮,觀光帳號歡迎大家來我們這裡玩不要去對方那裡,交通公司保證我們才不會像英國航空那樣一定會把你送到目的地,還有Ryan Air趁機落井下石,結果被網友都把黑歷史給翻出來.......今天就跟大家分享一些花邊新聞,輕鬆一下吧。
圖片來自: https://www.bbc.com/news/business-47691478
3月25日上午,一班應該從英國倫敦城市機場飛往德國杜塞道夫 的飛機,不知怎麼於一個小時後在愛丁堡準備降落,聽到「歡迎來到愛丁堡」的廣播,乘客才發現這班飛機不是要去德國,然後空服員才發現乘客沒有人是要去英國。大家一起傻在那裡。
Who likes my meme ???? #BA3271 pic.twitter.com/a9RrNSde59
— Scottish Traveller (@ScottishTravel3) March 25, 2019
倫敦城市機場表示 :
As pleasant as Edinburgh is this time of year, we’re sorry that passengers travelling to Dusseldorf on BA3271, operated by WDL Aviation, initially landed in the Scottish capital, rather than their intended destination. This was due to an incorrect flight plan submitted by WDL.
— London City Airport (@LondonCityAir) March 25, 2019
A British Airways flight headed for Dusseldorf in Germany has landed in Edinburgh by mistake, after the flight paperwork was submitted incorrectly. Let’s go to @BBCSimonMcCoy and @TomBurridgebbc . #AfternoonLive pic.twitter.com/BxZfifZ1Em
— Kevin Old (@TheiKevin) March 25, 2019
旁邊隔岸觀火的Ryan Air還出現嘲諷
Hey @British_Airways, we have a present for you ???? pic.twitter.com/m3K9ZNk0Ew
— Ryanair (@Ryanair) March 25, 2019
結果反倒引爆吃過Ryan Air虧的網友怒火
「請容我提醒Ryan Air一下,FR8582班機,從倫敦飛往希臘Thessaloniki,結果降落在距離應停機場500英哩兩個國家遠的羅馬尼亞Timisoara。或許你們才應該先讀一下『給笨蛋看的地理學』」
May I remind @Ryanair of the flight FR8582 from London to Thessaloniki, Greece, that landed to Timisoara, Romania (500 miles and 2 international frontiers from its supposed destination). Perhaps, you could read 'Geography for Dummies' first...
— travelingpsychiatrist (@travelingpsych1) March 26, 2019
「那不就是為什麼Ryan Air一開始會有這本書的原因嗎?」
It's why @Ryanair has the Dummies book in the first place :)
— Kailash Nathan (@skylashtravels) March 26, 2019
Maybe keep the book ???? pic.twitter.com/94ZtUoC7zb
— Matt Carter (@MattCarter86) March 25, 2019
Get a room you two. And a map. pic.twitter.com/ZRUR4SOpC4
— Julie El Taher (@DrNancyDrew) March 25, 2019
「Ryan Air可能還會跟你收費」
Ryanair probably would have charged extra
— Nick Lyes (@nicholaslyes) March 25, 2019
「Ryan Air才不會多收費,那太蠢了,他們會直接要人買一張票回倫敦,然後再買一張票去德國,還有,所有行李都要重新處理,這樣當然也要錢啦,從愛丁堡直送德國再收100英鎊。」
Never extra, that would be obsurd. They just need to buy a ticket back to London then another to get to Germany. Also, any baggage will have to be reprocessed which understandably has fees, and also there's a £100 processing fee to get to Germany from Edinburgh.
— Phil Gibson (@imphilgibsonok) March 26, 2019
「但是英國航空的乘客與目的地的距離,還是比所有Ryan Air停靠的地方還要近」
BA passengers were still closer to their destination than most Ryanair flights ever get...
— London Gecko (@londongecko) March 26, 2019
「(Ryan Air 過往輝煌的飛錯機場記錄)」
Well... pic.twitter.com/JIB7Ckd8JM
— Kevin Andrew (@Kev_Andrew) March 25, 2019
「而且Ryan Air會直接丟包所有客人,不供食物也不供飲水」
Ryanair would just abandon everyone with no food or drink! pic.twitter.com/B4T0aMlDlY
— Trudy Gleeson (@TrudyGleeson) March 25, 2019
同時,杜塞道夫 觀光推廣推特表示:
「大家比較想去哪裡?愛丁堡還是杜塞道夫 」
Where do you wanna go? #BA3271
— Visit Duesseldorf (@VisitDusseldorf) March 25, 2019
Decisions, decisions... ???? pic.twitter.com/MECw2bsGpk
— This is Edinburgh (@edinburgh) March 26, 2019
杜塞道夫: 「對啊,好難的決定」
Yes, really difficult pic.twitter.com/H9IZsGIGFh
— Visit Duesseldorf (@VisitDusseldorf) March 26, 2019
So, so hard... How can you possibly choose? ???? pic.twitter.com/WpW5Ia0y8d
— This is Edinburgh (@edinburgh) March 26, 2019
杜塞道夫: 「無法下決定......」
Unable to decide... pic.twitter.com/s1nTQEeDOB
— Visit Duesseldorf (@VisitDusseldorf) March 26, 2019
Such a close call. pic.twitter.com/sk2BrKoQM5
— This is Edinburgh (@edinburgh) March 26, 2019
Who can help us? pic.twitter.com/O3pMSqZgqm
— Visit Duesseldorf (@VisitDusseldorf) March 26, 2019
We're completely stumped. pic.twitter.com/FVx6IJxFVn
— This is Edinburgh (@edinburgh) March 26, 2019
We know how to get you from #Edinburgh to #Dusseldorf. ???? Find your flight now: https://t.co/rWUFPUhjQF pic.twitter.com/atIu7EK594
— Eurowings (@eurowings) March 26, 2019
Flew to Edinburgh this morning with @British_Airways for work.
— Ashley Day (@ashleyday1) March 26, 2019
First Officer: "Welcome aboard. Hands up, who wants to go to Dusseldorf?"
Fair play sir, fair play.
Onboard my flight to Edinburgh, the Fo on the cabin announcement: “hands up who wants to go to Düsseldorf” #pilotbants
— nick cox (@nc3311) March 26, 2019
部分資料來自網路 ( bbc.com )