為什麼這張照片這麼驚人而且重要?因為儘管「黑洞」這個詞人人朗朗上口,也有觀測與理論間接證明黑洞存在,但直到目前為止人類仍然無法觀測到黑洞,甚至是距離黑洞非常近的地方-「事件視界(Event Horizon)」,也就是黑洞產生的引力足以連光都吸走的距離。
A great day for science#BlackHole pic.twitter.com/2MpugC2xaJ
— Christos Mavros ???????? (@ChristosMavros) April 10, 2019
被觀測的黑洞,位於 室女A星系(也被稱為M87)的中心,與地球相距5,500萬光年,質量為太陽的65億倍。這張黑洞的照片,是由8座散落全球各地的電波望遠鏡陣列組成的「事件視界望遠鏡(Event Horizon Telescope,EHT)」觀測的資料,形成黑洞陰影的成像。而我們的中研院與其中三座望遠鏡的團隊都有合作關係。
▼婊自己人最厲害的英國,《地鐵報》的頭條:「 這是脫歐從宇宙看起來的樣子」(一個黑洞w)
You can't fool me...#BlackHole ? #YouMeanDonutHole
— Cassondra Gilbert (@Downdraftwx) April 10, 2019
;) pic.twitter.com/WfhEwxzmaI
The biggest secret of the black hole was exposed. ???? #BlackHole pic.twitter.com/FRUugECMUj
— Viktória Bogyová (@veeallie1) April 10, 2019
I knew it. pic.twitter.com/szGs4e7rV8
— Ashley Mayer (@ashleymayer) April 10, 2019
#BlackHole discovered and we knew it since ages ???? pic.twitter.com/JLGYe9txLl
— Cup Shup (@CupShup_pk) April 11, 2019
When you don't want your picture to be taken but humans do it anyways.#BlackHole pic.twitter.com/DyramIrKHM
— Inglorious Potato (@AhsanRohan25) April 10, 2019
The last scene from the Game of Thrones finale has leaked pic.twitter.com/1niu6aKcOB
— Tasneem N (@TasneemN) April 10, 2019
▼人類對室女座A的興趣,讓人馬座A*覺得失寵: ( (人馬座A*被認為是離地球最近的超大質量黑洞的所在,也被認為是研究黑洞物理的最佳目標)
I still love you, Sgr A* #EHTBlackHole pic.twitter.com/k2qJqOkwHi
— Dr. Elisabeth Mills (@astronomills) April 10, 2019
It's confirmed. Black hole is a donut. pic.twitter.com/MNuBBnXL5z
— Mr. Drinks On Me #MI (@Mr_DrinksOnMe) April 10, 2019
▼很快就會有人發現黑洞不過是Krispy Kreme甜甜圈的宣傳手法之一了
Wait until people find out that this "Black Hole picture" is an elaborate marketing campaign for Krispy Kreme donuts. pic.twitter.com/BURErkPrCG
— John O'Sullivan (@johngosullivan) April 10, 2019
wait... zoom out pic.twitter.com/D9gXZtjqY7
— Matt Buechele (@mattbooshell) April 10, 2019
▼我喜歡黑洞,是因為那是邪惡的具體化 (原來是索倫之眼啊我還以為是黑洞呢)
In conclusion, I am attracted to the black hole because it is the literal embodiment of evil.
— Connie Glynn (@connieglynn) April 10, 2019
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk pic.twitter.com/Rkx5v6iwS3
The Eye of Sauron is apparently now hiding in the middle of space waiting patiently for his return. https://t.co/8AgLpWygPC
— Josh Gad (@joshgad) April 10, 2019
the first photo of a black hole reveals one of the universe's deepest secrets pic.twitter.com/L9qwjW2VnC
— pgmemes (@pinenuts7) April 10, 2019
A lot of people have heard the term “event horizon” That isn’t what we’re seeing in this image. The bright ring is light bending around the intense gravity of the black hole. The event horizon is actually a long way inside the black circular shadow. #EHTBlackHole pic.twitter.com/JIAyvMoVuD
— Catherine Q. (@CatherineQ) April 10, 2019
▼天體物理學家 Katie Bouman 看到黑洞照片的反應
An astrophysicist’s live reaction to the #EHTBlackHole image reveal.
— Becky Smethurst (@drbecky_) April 10, 2019
That’s the most beautiful collection of pixels I have ever seen. pic.twitter.com/FWO4utQeQh
You're a genius Einstein ????#EHTBlackHole#BlackHole pic.twitter.com/OsgNfmPREp
— oncosmos ???? (@oncosmos) April 10, 2019
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